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01/04/13 9:38 PM

#196285 RE: F6 #196261

How about that :) .. even though the 'conclusion' on tornadoes and earthquakes was
"no" here ..
i do remember wondering somewhere else (didn't find) that creation of tsunamis could be possible
.. so while Project Seal is new AND interesting it isn't surprising the investigation back then was made ..

Ok .. more serious .. lol .. today stuff .. in the 2nd last link of your article

"Neil Kirton, a former colleague of Leech, said that, "Whether it could ever be
resurrected ... Under some circumstances I think it could be devastating.""
(This quote has since surfaced on various conspiracy theory blogs .. .)

we find mention of a Peter Beter .. as an expert to be noted .. THIS (on him elsewhere) ..

* Several important public figures such as David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, and
Jimmy Carter are actually dead, and are being impersonated by organic "robotoids".

IS really INTERESTING and something we really should REALLY spend
some time on .. hey David, Henry and Jimmy .. REALLY!??? .. ROTFLMAO!

Some 'experts' used by the conspiracy people have unreal imagination.

Anyway, back to Project Seal which is more 'down to sea'.. tsk tsk .. naughty USA and NZ! .. imagine
NZ being involved! .. the very ones who evolved to 35 years later banning US nuclear ships ..

US lifts ban on NZ naval ships
Posted Fri Sep 21, 2012 1:47pm AEST

working on a tsunami creator .. this one suggests records say Project Seal
was "ditched" in 1945 .. importantly it also gives us a bit more on Ray Maru ..

NZ, US attempted to create tsunami bomb

7:36 AM Thursday Jan 3, 2013

The Hiroshima Peace Memorial (Genbaku Dome) was the only
structure left standing in the area where the first atomic
bomb exploded in August 1945. Photo / Thinkstock


Mr Waru's book also has Defence records of UFO sightings, including drawings of unidentified aircraft, descriptions of aliens wearing "pharaoh masks" and alleged extraterrestrial writing, the Telegraph reported.

- ..

It looks too Mr Waru could be susceptible to overreach .. one last thought .. could the Project
Seal explosions have led to more earthquake activity in New Zealand's Rim Of Fire region? .. a
cursory glance at Earthquakes in New Zealand .. ..
suggests not really, as the 'before-and-after' history looks fairly similar .. Project Seal though does look an
irresponsible exercise, which i'll have to have a serious chat with my New Zealand friends about .. chuckle ..