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01/03/13 5:06 PM

#1978 RE: truthfinder2012 #1977

Great points.


01/07/13 12:19 PM

#1979 RE: truthfinder2012 #1977

The fact is that sub-q immunoglobulin is not that big in the US. It is estimated there are no more than 10,000 patients currently using Hizentra. Yes, there are at least 250,000 people with PIDD, but most IG users go IVIg and themajority do not require immunoglobulin at all. Sib-q Ig is a very small niche. Just ask the pump manufacturers how many pumps they have sold in the past five years specifically for SCIg. You can also see the limited use on the DME Medicare reimbursment link I previously sent.

SCIg is great for those when can benefit from it. But if you think this is used in the millions, it is not.