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03/11/03 12:05 PM

#10809 RE: integrivest #10808

Good idea, integ!! We should just "tick-off" the entire world!! Now you're "thinking".......
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03/11/03 12:21 PM

#10817 RE: integrivest #10808

Did the late Meir Kahane have anything to say about the fact that Americans are ALWAYS "right"??.... Or we are naive enough to believe we are always right!....

PS What is this world coming to when we seek the "wisdom" of deceased terrorists? But like so many others, Kahane, while brilliant and charismatic, was severely misguided!.....

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Tom K

03/11/03 12:31 PM

#10821 RE: integrivest #10808

What I would do:

1. Grant wide media access/coverage of discoveries Saddam's WMD. Plan on a rolling media blitz: discovery after discovery, interview (Iraqi scientists) and interview, for days on end. This will drive the appeasers crazy.

2. Offer the US and British media access to Iraqi classified documents pertaining to trade with the axis of weasel. Red faces will follow.

3. The liberated Iraqi people: Let them speak for themselves.

4. Ask for a public audit of the UN. Require media access to the process. If it isn't granted, pull all funding.

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03/11/03 12:35 PM

#10823 RE: integrivest #10808

The 1st, would be to expose France, Germany and Russia as the duplicitous, self-interested frauds they are (by uncovering and showing all the weapons Iraq doesn't have with the "MADE IN <insert country>" labels all over them).
We actually agree on something. I have been saying for years that we should hold Germany accountable for that cushy high tech bunker he hides in. What about about his anthrax though? We gave him that. So you would have to include the U.S. in the same list.