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10/28/05 9:52 PM

#133615 RE: jimmie #133612

Post some examples with links, otherwise this is just another POS post.

And if you do...did his lies put our troops and citizens in harms way?

"...Wilson was formally commended by the Bush administration for his bravery and heroism in the weeks leading up to the war. In that time, Wilson helped evacuate thousands of foreigners from Kuwait, negotiated the release of more than 120 American hostages and sheltered nearly 800 Americans in the embassy compound.

"Your courageous leadership during this period of great danger for American interests and American citizens has my admiration and respect. I salute, too, your skillful conduct of our tense dealings with the government of Iraq," President Bush wrote Wilson in a letter. "The courage and tenacity you have exhibited throughout this ordeal prove that you are the right person for the job...."

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10/28/05 9:55 PM

#133616 RE: jimmie #133612

Bush didn't have the balls to confront the real threat. Iraq was weak, a lame move.

Iranian President defies worldwide criticism to repeat call for Israel to be 'wiped from map'
By Angus McDowell in Tehran and Colin Brown
Published: 29 October 2005

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has defied worldwide outrage at his call for the destruction of Israel, by joining a demonstration in Tehran and restating his desire to see Israel "wiped from the map".

The populist firebrand sparked a crisis in Iran's foreign relations on Tuesday when he told a Tehran conference that Israel should be "wiped out" in a new wave of Palestinian attacks.

Yesterday, he was on the streets of the capital with demonstrators waving placards calling for the "death of America". He said: "My words are the Iranian nation's words. Westerners are free to comment but their reactions are invalid."

The diplomatic storm comes at a dangerous time for Iran, with the US pushing for Tehran to be taken to the UN Security Council over its nuclear programme.

"Ahmadinejad speaks for all Iranians. We are ready to die for Palestine," said Mohammed Mirzayi, 25, at the demonstration.

The UN Security Council yesterday condemned the original comments and said all UN members should refrain from threatening or using force against another country. But the condemnation, endorsed by all 15 council members, was delivered in the form of a press statement rather than at a formal council meeting, which would give it more weight. Algeria, the only Arab council member, objected to the meeting approach.

While an estimated one million joined anti-Israel protests around the country, many Iranians expressed dismay at the damage done to their country's image. "In today's world we ought to have relations with all other countries - even big powers," said Nahid, a 50-year-old teacher. "It isn't rational to isolate ourselves like we did in the past."

Since the 1979 Islamic revolution, Iran has refused to recognise Israel and has even rejected some Palestinian talks for a peaceful solution. Its antipathy stems partly from the Shah's close relations with Israel before the revolution and partly from a desire to take a lead in Muslim world opinion. Yesterday's demonstration was an event held annually to mark "Jerusalem Day" but was this year larger than usual.

Many of those marching were members of the Basij Islamic militia, whose members are often taken by bus into cities for pro-regime demonstrations.

Mr Ahmadinejad won the presidency by appealing to poorer Iranians who liked his traditional image and promises to divide oil wealth among the poor. "I can't see any significant policy changes coming up," said a Tehran-based analyst who wished to remain anonymous. "The President was trying to appeal to his base supporters and didn't realise how his words would be understood abroad. It's a bit naïve. Now he cannot back down without looking foolish."

In London, Jack Straw held high-level diplomatic talks yesterday to isolate Iran after Tony Blair criticised the Iranian president, stirring up a hornets' nest among Labour MPs. Mr Blair's remarks caused alarm and anger among Labour backbenchers who fear Britain could become embroiled in US military action.

Senior British diplomats told The Independent last night that Mr Blair had not intended to threaten military action.

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has defied worldwide outrage at his call for the destruction of Israel, by joining a demonstration in Tehran and restating his desire to see Israel "wiped from the map".

The populist firebrand sparked a crisis in Iran's foreign relations on Tuesday when he told a Tehran conference that Israel should be "wiped out" in a new wave of Palestinian attacks.

Yesterday, he was on the streets of the capital with demonstrators waving placards calling for the "death of America". He said: "My words are the Iranian nation's words. Westerners are free to comment but their reactions are invalid."

The diplomatic storm comes at a dangerous time for Iran, with the US pushing for Tehran to be taken to the UN Security Council over its nuclear programme.

"Ahmadinejad speaks for all Iranians. We are ready to die for Palestine," said Mohammed Mirzayi, 25, at the demonstration.

The UN Security Council yesterday condemned the original comments and said all UN members should refrain from threatening or using force against another country. But the condemnation, endorsed by all 15 council members, was delivered in the form of a press statement rather than at a formal council meeting, which would give it more weight. Algeria, the only Arab council member, objected to the meeting approach.

While an estimated one million joined anti-Israel protests around the country, many Iranians expressed dismay at the damage done to their country's image. "In today's world we ought to have relations with all other countries - even big powers," said Nahid, a 50-year-old teacher. "It isn't rational to isolate ourselves like we did in the past."
Since the 1979 Islamic revolution, Iran has refused to recognise Israel and has even rejected some Palestinian talks for a peaceful solution. Its antipathy stems partly from the Shah's close relations with Israel before the revolution and partly from a desire to take a lead in Muslim world opinion. Yesterday's demonstration was an event held annually to mark "Jerusalem Day" but was this year larger than usual.

Many of those marching were members of the Basij Islamic militia, whose members are often taken by bus into cities for pro-regime demonstrations.

Mr Ahmadinejad won the presidency by appealing to poorer Iranians who liked his traditional image and promises to divide oil wealth among the poor. "I can't see any significant policy changes coming up," said a Tehran-based analyst who wished to remain anonymous. "The President was trying to appeal to his base supporters and didn't realise how his words would be understood abroad. It's a bit naïve. Now he cannot back down without looking foolish."

In London, Jack Straw held high-level diplomatic talks yesterday to isolate Iran after Tony Blair criticised the Iranian president, stirring up a hornets' nest among Labour MPs. Mr Blair's remarks caused alarm and anger among Labour backbenchers who fear Britain could become embroiled in US military action.

Senior British diplomats told The Independent last night that Mr Blair had not intended to threaten military action.

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10/28/05 10:54 PM

#133631 RE: jimmie #133612

Seems the neocons are wound up tight tonight,
ready to explode.

Seems that old phrase,... posted here
by a great poster, was to the effect that
the stages of reality.... are ~ ~ ~

1. Denial, laugher, ridicule.
2. Anger, Resentment, Rage.
3. Acceptance as if it was always known

At least you are at stage 2. Thats progress.