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12/26/12 11:31 PM

#68117 RE: StephanieVanbryce #68115

I've mentioned the impending debt limit and it's more important than the fiscal cliff.
This is the emanate problem concerning the National credit rating.
And as your link predicts, we have until February.

I've posted that my IRA is in short term bonds.

But that's just money and money is just a tool.

Newton was never just a mush of fig surrounded by cake. (Fig newton)
He established calculus and mathematically defined the orbits of celestial bodies.
Eisenstein defined the relationship of energy to mass and time:
We gain mass when we go faster.
The faster we go the slower time passes.
At this time we looked to atoms.
The atom had electrons.
And the energy needed to revolve came in Quantum bursts of energy.
The drive to understand and reconcile the enormous bodies of the universe to the very infinitesimal has lead us to multidimensional thinking.
Folded space opens the mind from a point that has no dimension
to a similar point.
The connection between two points creates the first dimension:
A straight line.
All other dimensions are a collection of previous dimensions until infinity is combined with the infinity of all probable infinities and all exists as a point.
"Be Here Now" comes to mind.

Much of our modern life is the product of physics.
Transistors, semi-conductors, etc.
The Higgs Boson partial is just another discovery in our quest to discover God's creation.
Humanity has the ability to understand and the drive to learn.
And we are destined to complete the cycle back to the God who created us.
We were made in HIS image and likeness.