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12/26/12 2:35 PM

#268240 RE: fink #268239


texkengold Thursday, October 25, 2012 6:52:16 PM
Re: SunScents post# 266245 Post # of 268239

"Those of us that know the facts also know that averaging down is simply a good way to lose even more money."

quasar stock is for real, as joe c simply gets the ducks in a row...
i believe in quasar and always have...
so tomorrow take a gander at quasar lets see some volume as quasar moves close to SEVIS....

seems that quasar may be the goose and lays a egg....


time to take a gander...

fink Tuesday, September 04, 2012 9:19:15 PM
Re: Manti post# 263672 Post # of 268239

Average down or you will shoot your eye out trying to get a leg up in that paper bag. Its a new day. The past will sink ya further.

texkengold Saturday, August 18, 2012 7:25:58 PM
Re: fink post# 262909 Post # of 268239

YUP TO #14
14. The Early-To-The-Party Axiom
Be willing to buy lower what you bought higher. I have often arrived to a party early. By "party" I mean a gathering of people and people's money that will result in a stock's PPS going much higher. By "early" I mean I got there before the stock was sitting at a low. I am always somewhat discouraged when a purchase I made continues to go down. But if I have done solid due diligence in the company, I often take it as an opportunity to add more shares cheaper and lower my average. In other words, don't look at your initial investment as dead money and hope that it goes back up again so you can get out. Average down, do the due, and then promote your stock to others and help jumpstart the party. Be a spark plug.

YUP TO #15

15. The Next! Axiom
Be looking to get out of an issue the moment you get in. Have an exit strategy in place. By buying a stock you are not entering into any kind of formal arrangement like matrimony. You are an investor and as such your goal is to make money. If your investment should go up within the first 20-30 minutes of purchase why is it any different taking some profit then as if it took 20-30 days for it to go up? Get in. Lock in profits. Ride freebies.

and with regard to #24 well YUP, 2 out 0f 3 were here thats for sure....

doughboy2 Thursday, July 26, 2012 10:18:59 PM
Re: Porgie Tirebiter post# 262050 Post # of 268239

The real truth is few traders have actually made money with q.

Most everyone else has the "great" opportunity to average down.

Every day....
catdaddyrt Monday, January 02, 2012 10:52:59 AM
Re: Sharktnk post# 245964 Post # of 268239

yep and even worse was all the averaging down that I and a lot of people did for months -maybe there will be some resolution with Qasp in 2012 but as long as joe c is meddling/interferring with it the outcome is a given - cellar boxed with no bid just like all his other ventures - joe made a lot of money off the backs of the shareholders here and dean did also-- only when Jeff was here was the PPS ever stable in the history of this crooked company - I am baffled by the few that support joe - seems his threat of r/s has been shut down again for the time being but its a given he wants to r/s everyone out of the stock - this company is in no way legally connected to the lost acquisition MS - only ihub rumor and back door -email service from the cut and paste king himself -
Sharktnk Monday, January 02, 2012 12:31:16 PM
Re: catdaddyrt post# 245965 Post # of 268239

yep and even worse was all the averaging down that I and a lot of people did for months ...

Raises hand and make that, years.

maybe there will be some resolution with Qasp in 2012

Despite my most recent cynicism I still reserve a glimmer of hope, but that word is all encompassing - resolution. It seems to me that all this jockeying and bravado, all the insinuations and expectations of so called enforcement and justice and class action, share swap failure, etc. etc. ... all the noise put forth throughout 2011, is just that, noise

As far as I am concerned especially with the reappearance of Dean despite and in spite of all of the above. I find it just slightly ironic that both Jeff and Joe have characterized this whole debacle as a mess and yet the messier of mess himself is right back in the picture again. Just as interesting, considering that bastion of 'truth telling' resource - is overwrought with a heavy handed smearing of Jeff, recent developments would seem to dictate that those would be replaced with ones on Joe, yet it remains bereft, silent.

Without a doubt I lay this all out at Deans feet. He is the one that conned and convinced us idiots to dump our hard earned money into this "conglomerate" and really schooled us with the lure of MineSeeker, especially with that million dollar coupe that got his mug plastered on site along with some real, prominent donors. Don't get me wrong, the gullibility and ultimate responsibility lies within each one of our own independent decisions to be swayed by and push back the denials of the absurd 350 million funding of a stink pink amongst other tall tales ...

But without a sway-e none of this would have been possible.

All the doc's and back door emails and various bits and pieces put forth here and elsewhere have only served to create hostilities between the very people (for the most part) who sunk money into this and attempted to separate them into camps with associated conspiracy theories that so far and I expect ongoing, to produce more of a net return of zip, nada, short of some sort of resolution amongst all the principals involved here.

I'll go a bit further with this since I am rambling already ... I don't think all of this is either as bad or as good as it may seem. There are more convoluted and incredible stories out here in penny land than this one, I am not minimizing it nor dismissing it just putting it up for comparison. All I can do is attempt to look at what has actually transpired, put into the 'perhaps' bin and pull out a piece here or there and look at it, muse on it and then put it back where it belongs since we don't have all the facts or even enough that have been filtered or conveyed with their own particular slants ...

I hold my reservations to the above but still would like to think that Jeff's intentions are\were good despite the hue and cry over his former modship duties here. Big deal, he was a mod. I know he ruffled some feathers and believe he believed the same line of bull that the rest of bought. I don't have any real reason to dis-believe what he presented in his disposition to the court of his intentions to not only protect and regain what he lost himself but to attempt to help the rest of us. I won't go into the mistakes with Centacom or the ongoing and apparent issues with the 'sister' stock. I really don't have a theory on it all other than the snowballing effect that seemed to commence and yes, there is still a lot of questions and some seemingly extant issues surrounding this control block that have brought everything to a standstill. Which leads me to ...

Joe. Same mentality as above, just trying to ascertain from what is 'known'. It seems pretty plain that he is acting in accordance with what has been dictated by court instructions. The amount he was allowed to dilute I believe was up to $400K for operations. We are nowhere near that as the stock has been dormant for quite some time. He hasn't ran some kind of P&D on this, the few PR's that have been produced have almost always been after hours and he did manage to actually acquire something, even if it's not conglomerate worthy. Add to that the affiliation with Cessna, albeit as an official Cessna Pilot Center it is still something that has been verified and at least attempts to move us forward.

The vote and the preferred's and the "R\S". Because this is such a convoluted mess I really have to wonder at not only the expense but the effort if it really becomes a moot point. I think the R\S may have come into play due to the way these bungled "P's" and of course whichever version it truly is from the variety of amendments existing, dictates. I am guessing it has to do with the conversion factor, but I failed algebra and some of the math in these articles makes my head hurt.

Bottom line. Jeff wants his money, Joe wants his money, we want our money. Dean, well he has our money (or had, most likely). As far as I am concerned he deserves nothing more and his "P's" ought to be considered null and void but I am not naive to the fact that despite everything they may still have some, eh hem ... "legitimacy" as a legal entity.

I also fully recognize I don't have or know all the @#$%8 that fosters the ongoing conspiracy theories, nor that there isn't any truth contained within some of them. We know who the players are here and they know who they are. We know a lot of crap happened and we know some of the backgrounds and ...

24,5967 posts worth of opinion, conversation, hostilities, noise, confusion, years of frustration and futility. Isn't it about time to cut the crap, cut the bravado and one upmanship and just settle this thing already? Joe is tired, Jeff is tired and we are tired of it all as well.

Put it all on the table and hash it out. Forget this vote nonsense that is just going to drag it on for most of the new year and find someone with some real Aerospace experience and put him in charge.

I turn over the soapbox, commence badgering. :)
Montana Wildhack Wednesday, February 01, 2012 12:27:47 PM
Re: Sharktnk post# 247278 Post # of 268239

Or we could buy small lots on the way down and play the bounce? So many options.......

Manti Wednesday, February 01, 2012 12:29:58 PM
Re: Montana Wildhack post# 247282 Post # of 268239

Let's see. You could bid sit at .01 and double your initial $10000 position for a buck. What a way to average down....
So lets say Tex bought 10,000 shares of qasp post R/S @ .02c a pop....but then missed the run up to .10c and how could that have happened???
anyway, today buying 10,000 shares of qasp at .008 would be eighty bucks investment.... so now tex would have 20,000 qasp shares for a investment of $280 bucks. and then tomorrow qasp sp is .004 and tex again buys 20,000 qasp shares. now investment is $360 bucks total...for a total of 40K qasp shares.... for a average down of .009....btw it would be still a half penny over the current SP but easy to see getting better in the average down...
now suppose tex waits a while after he bought the 10,000 qasp shares after the R/S to buy tomorrow when the qasp sp is .004
! and buys 30K shares..... total investment now is $320 bucks for 40,000 qasp shares for average SP of .008....
sure averaging down is cool, but when and for how much? lol
and btw dont forget tha fees that need to be factored in, but who's countin when looking to buy that yacht or limo?

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12/26/12 6:22 PM

#268247 RE: fink #268239

the past does kinda count. a wee bit. just a tiny tiny bit