Hi again ... They are not making medicine really.... Just the company name.... It's hemp seed oil ...no cannabis ...something you could buy in a health store...i think they are out to cash in on MJ looking products ..kinda making it seem like its a really different product that has the power of great health...marketed to the uninformed ...prob make money for a while....so traders will make too... But there is issues with this situation They push it as a high CBD content But the website does not even mention CBD ...say they break no laws of USA ...well CBD is sched 1 So can't be much in their products I'm confused how they can sell if it is CBD ...illegal ...so therefor what is in those bottles and pills.......Hemp seed oil ...that's it .... You got the gum right ? Mjna
So? This isn't THC, this is CBD; a completely different chemical. Anyway, it's not hard to make edibles. Any 14 year old with an oven can tell you that. What is your point?