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True Blue

12/20/12 1:26 PM

#4153 RE: True Blue #4152

All I ask is that I can make some money on my Silver. Its days like today that I wish the whole blasted economy and markets collapse and screw everyone accept stackers and others in hard assets. These Mother F'en bankers are screwing us all and I wish a thousand poxes on them. People wonder what drives others to drastic and sometimes abhorent deeds - well Ill tell you. Its from getting F'ed up the ass for so long that one loses sight of being a decent soul. They go on rampages, all kinds, killing people, drugs the list is endless. When I started buying Silver in mid 2010 I never thought I would be up against my own government for two years of manipulation. Im pissed and Ive had enough of this crap but as only one person I have little to no recourse against these a-holes. I can only hope that someone goes ballistic and kills a bunch of f'en bankers instead of school children and teachers.
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12/20/12 4:44 PM

#4154 RE: True Blue #4152

WTF indeed! S~P