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01/28/13 12:53 PM

#24 RE: Nostradamus Stocks #22

FRIDAY NUMBERS, this company is relatively new, mid 2010. They have acquired a few 3pl companies, and are growing. This is rated a buy in my opinion. It has a growth rate of 21%. Good luck with those shorts to $5.00, me thinks you are out of luck, at least for now. We never know how bad it will get over the next 4 yrs with this administration, The OBONGO ADMINISTRATION. No bets.

Company Open Close Change % Change Volume AvgVol High Low Value Stop Rec
RRTS $18.97 $19.26 $0.32 1.69 99,899 116,439 $19.30 $18.86 $24.78 $17.58 Buy

Looks like a great buy to me. It is up .15 so far today.