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12/18/12 10:40 PM

#31054 RE: bgrass1 #31052

Further to my earlier post......notice the growth rate of GDP has nothing to do with Venezuelans ability to buy EJ, nor does the governement's budget deficit...or the current account deficit, whch can be financed by capital inflows as the US has been doing for years...

Indeed under Chavez, Venezuela's economy is hollowed out and the only reason this country stays alive is because of oil.....a telling statistic is that Venezuela's foreign debt is 196% of ask yourself why would a country awash in oil be in hoc to foreigners?.....the answer is because oil revenues are inadequate to finance Chavez's crazy domestic schemes....

Whether Microsoft, IBM , GM and other well known companies are in Venezuela is immaterial to the sale of Enerjel....Microsoft is in CONGO!!!! so what? is Congo a rich country? these are multinantional companies that believe in having a broad global foot print....

There are macro facts and there are anecdotes...but anecdotes are not facts....and then there are superflous GDP growth that are not germaine to the argument at is income that matters....and Venezuelans don't have a lot of it....and esp. not for a non essential product like EJ

Sorry to burst your collective bubble.....but.....

This is DROP where up is down and down is up.....


P.S. Guess who Chavez's power base is? yes those millions of Venzuelans who live on less than $2 a day...or maybe five dollars a day ...or maybe ten dollars a you think these people are interested in buying EJ or putting desperately needed food on the table?
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12/18/12 10:59 PM

#31058 RE: bgrass1 #31052

I can't believe I am saying this but I actually agree with bgrass on this post.

If his research is correct, and I don't know bc I haven't done it myself, he's spot on on this one IMO.
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12/19/12 1:40 AM

#31068 RE: bgrass1 #31052

You cherry pick your facts and figures and talk about some statistics you just looked up on the web and completely disregard the fact that many huge companies make a lot of money in Venezuela, and selling goods that are way more expensive than any fuse product. Like i said, Venezuela is the number 1 market in the world for aged scotch, and It is a huge market for smartphones, for example. Those are facts, not "anecdotes". Does that match with your conclusion from the macro economic statistics? How arrogant does one have to be to think it just takes ten minutes on the web to know everything about the way a Country works. Latin America is an area full of contradictions, your cherry picked statistics are not all that matter.
Somebody could go online and say "Oh look! The United States has to ask China for money and has trillions of dollars in debt. Operates on a deficit financed by china and other countries. So that means that China and the other countries are richer and more stable" Wouldn't that be an oversimplification and not entirely true? Or "The State of California is practically broke, so don't even try to sell your products in California" and then give out a dozen statistics that support their claim that California is in terrible financial shape. That again would be cherry picking statistics to support whatever theory you want to support.
Also, are you really going to argue against Mexico as a market? Mexico is a huge market for so many products. It would be laughable to ignore it. You use Carlos Slim, yes the richest man in the world, as an example to support your claim about Mexico (go figure) His companies make billions in Mexico.
For many HUGE companies, Latin America is a huge Market. And that market has various pieces you need to add up. Venezuela is an important part of that puzzle, period.