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12/18/12 4:15 PM

#31005 RE: bgrass1 #31003

16 million but as you say they all ride to work and. Live active lifestyles. So percentage of sales are higher than normal.

Don't be so short sighted. It's likely a great launch site.


12/18/12 4:45 PM

#31017 RE: bgrass1 #31003

Hey Bgrass,
I won't debate the merits of Fuse's strategy and why they chose Venezuela as their first Latin American market because I don't now the reasons why they did it.
But i do know about the country as I was born and raised in Venezuela, and while I have been living the states for the last 10 years, I still go to Venezuela about 10 times a year and the company I work for has many interests in Venezuela.
While you are right that Venezuela has a lot of poverty, it also has a lot of wealth. Not properly distributed but the wealth exists. There are many people with insane amounts of money in Venezuela, and there is a large upper middle class.
All the big companies in the world have a presence in Venezuela. Procter and Gamble's headquarters for Latin America have been in Caracas for many years, for example.
The airports are completely packed all the time. In fact, try to buy a ticket on American airlines during december in or out of Venezuela, from NY to Caracas or Miami to Caracas...or Caracas to Paris if you want... to any destination and you will se how packed the flights are. Flying from Miami to Caracas, a 3hr flight, is sometimes more expensive than traveling from Miami to Tokyo or London because of the demand. All the major airlines have multiple daily flights in and out of venezuela to anywhere in the world and they are packed all the time.
People play a lot of sports in Venezuela, baseball, soccer, cycling, running, basketball etc, all big.
Venezuela is near the top of luxury spirits consumed per capita in the world. No other country, except for Ireland, consumes more scotch per capita in the World. And it is the number one market for brands like Buchannan's 18, Royal Salute, Chivas 18 which are expensive scotches.
It is also near the top in cell phone sells per capita. It is even part of blackberry case study. There are more cell phones than people in the country. Most of them smartphones.
It is is also part of a twitter case study since it is one the countries with the highest twitter and Facebook usage rate per capita.
There are many golf country clubs, and everybody is a fan of Tiger down there.
I can go on and on with examples of why simply saying "Venezuela is just a poor developing nation" is a gross simplification.
Latin America as a whole is a big big market, and Venezuela is a very important part of the Latin American puzzle. Every big company in the world knows it...Mcdonalds, Toyota, Yum brands, Procter and Gamble, major banks, Sony, reckitt benckiser, gillette, Google, Facebook, Disney, etc you name it. Why not Fuse?


12/18/12 5:05 PM

#31019 RE: bgrass1 #31003

Great post. Thanks bgrass1. You are what makes this forum great.


12/18/12 5:15 PM

#31021 RE: bgrass1 #31003

bgrass thats completely wrong. the wealthy are not the market for these types of products. Young people, people who party, and fitness folks are the market. I don't know too many wealthy people that are into these types of supplements.


12/18/12 5:16 PM

#31022 RE: bgrass1 #31003

Rotterdam in Holland is the gateway to Europe.

Rotterdam is is the second-largest city in the Netherlands and one of the largest ports in the world. Starting as a dam constructed in 1270 on the Rotte River, Rotterdam has grown into a major international commercial centre. Its strategic location at the Rhine-Meuse-Scheldt delta on the North Sea and at the heart of a massive rail, road, air and inland waterway distribution system extending throughout Europe is the reason that Rotterdam is often called the "Gateway to Europe".

The largest port in Europe and one of the busiest ports in the world, the port of Rotterdam was the world's busiest port from 1962 to 2004, when it was surpassed by Shanghai. Rotterdam's commercial and strategic importance is based on its location near the mouth of the Nieuwe Maas (New Meuse), a channel in the delta formed by the Rhine and Meuse on the North Sea. These rivers lead directly into the centre of Europe, including the industrial Ruhr region.


12/18/12 5:30 PM

#31023 RE: bgrass1 #31003

Have you ever been to Venezula? Me thinks not, based upon your ignorant posts here today. I have a feeling that you are some stuffy, pasty white guy, who thinks that all countries south of the US border are made up of a bunch of brown people digging for grubs in the dirt. Venezula is a beautiful country with people from all economic backgrounds. I highly suggest you leave your mom's basement and venture out into the world. It's an amazing place. Go DROP.


12/18/12 6:34 PM

#31040 RE: bgrass1 #31003

GDP growth rate
Venezuela #118 @ 2.8%
United States #149 @ 1.7%


12/18/12 9:38 PM

#31051 RE: bgrass1 #31003

Funny post, given your academic background. I see others help educate you on the economic opportunities in VZ.

I think Stephen Covey said " Seek to understand before you seek to be understood "