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10/26/05 10:09 PM

#133174 RE: jimmie #133172

Right Kerry never really fought in Vietnam and never saw what we were doing there. He should have been a standup guy like Bush who could not take the guard physical because he would have flunked the drug test and he should not have shown up for duty his last year. I even think Kerry should have been a drunk like Bush until he was 40 so he could have experienced life from a totally different perspective.
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10/27/05 8:57 AM

#133234 RE: jimmie #133172

Jimmie, the GWB admin sufficiently sold Kerry as "pandering" during the '04 elections - shame on Kerry for not answering those critics sooner than he did. Credits to Karl Rove for smearing JK's reputation - shame on the nation for falling for it. Unlike GWB, I believe John Kerry would have been wise enough to not have gotten into the box we're in today.

Regards comparing VietNam with today's Iraqi war, there is one stark comparison: LBJ's VietNam war was the result of a president who lied to the nation, and GWB's Iraq war is also a result of a president who lied to the nation.

Some have insisted GWB didn't lie but based his war on the intel he received. GWB would have to have been as dumb as a brick to accept that intel without having unrefuted evidence before committing our sons/daughters to WAR, and the nation should NEVER forgive GWB.
I firmly believe GWB wanted to go to war in Iraq and all he had to do was figure out how to "sell" it to the nation - hence the WHIG was formed - the admin then began promoting the WMD story. The nation should NEVER forgive GWB for taking this country to WAR at the expense of our sons/daughters.

Years from now when our pre-emptive invasion of Iraq is put to the acid test and looked at it from every angle, we are going to be ashamed of what we allowed to happen.

As for being a HRC supporter, I have never cared for WJC or HRC and although I was a Rep voter until GWB arrived, I will now consider ALL Dem candidates.

A side note - Va's Rep candidate for governor, Jerry Kilgore, has decided not to attend GWB's appearance in our state today. Reps are trying to separate themselves from GWB for their own political health - FINALLY!
However, this gimmick of JK will not win my support for him on Nov 8th.