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10/26/05 9:49 PM

#133169 RE: hap0206 #133164

Hap you truly believe that tripe?

So we are the fastest growing economy eh? According to who?

So you are saying Iran should not have nuclear weapons - how do you propose we get that genie back in the bottle? Let's see Israel, N Korea, Pakistan, India, Britain, Russia, France, China, India, and the US has nuclear bombs. Bush is working on smaller nuclear bombs and we want Iran, who we consider part of the axis of evil to not develop nuclear weapons? That doesn't pass the laugh test. No wonder under Bush's watch N Korea has gone from 1 to about 10.

Unfortunately the only course Iraq is on is civil war and we can't stop it.

I guess you didn't here about Russia coming to Syria's defense so nothing will get passed at the UN. Maybe Bush can wag the dog with Syria. That will get indictments off the front page.

Gore would have focused on terrorism and Usama and not weakened our position in the world. Iraq was impotent and not worthy of a second look.