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03/14/03 11:10 PM

#6157 RE: smart_sassy #6145

LOL, RO. You have been planning on leaving for about 2 years now. Have you picked out your new handle that you will use when you return? I can almost read the posts now "Who is this righton? Why did everyone not like him?"


Remember that, do you? I really loved it.

Salt&Pepper: So who was this Righton person?
Smart&Sassy: He was this hateful...extremist...
S&P: You sound bitter.
S&S: Hell, no, I'm not bitter.
S&P: People who begin their sentences with "hell" usually are bitter people.

I personally loved that conversation. How embarrassed you must have felt to later learn that was me.

No, I plan to take myself off line for a little while anyway. I'm sick of paying so much for cable, and I plan to do some traveling, now that it's getting warm again. Wait and see.