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10/27/05 12:03 AM

#5182 RE: d4diddy #5179

OT Diddy...Just one more comment(s) on my Industry...

Yes..All of them..!.!..

I've had my share of Therapists..and .I have had therapy..and back in 1990/1991...I had a licensed Therapist once a month come in and give group therapy...It was hysterical...It was the Bob Newhart a to many stories..

I used to use 100 vol h202 in mixing with bleach...You need to move fast... real fast...I had 2 ladies sitting in front of the mirror and I opened up the door which made the sunlite come in and showed the smoke appear that was billowing off their heads in the lady turned to the other and said..."Look your hair is smoking" the other lady said..... "Your hair is smoking too" ...let me tell about fast talking..

I tell my stylists that using that high of volume was BT...(before therapy)

Yep..I give 23 shows... in a day and a half..(15 hours)..But sex is not my topic..Business and world events are...My Clientel are Type A personality types..40% men...All VIP's..because they are.. And really... anyone that sits in my chair is.....

"Consistancy"...I teach my Stylists that you are only as good as your clients last experience with you..."don't take them for granted"...

Hopefully you had a Styilist that you went to for a few years...A Special Connection... heck.. we know as much as the grade school teachers know ..and.. (they know a lot)...
You know the Tounge Piercings...first Tatoo's...first kisses
...Girlfriends Boyfriends and Stepmoms...

We hear it all...before the parents...cuz were cool.!.!...

p.s. We also take care of elderly clients that families have forgotten...(heart breaking)

..Believe me we cover a lot of territory..

One more thing...Men and Boys have more horrific experiences with the Barbering...they had to go to the Barber or to Dads Barber Garage just about every month...Hair grows 1/2" a month

Girls don't because they grow their hair long..they hardley see..Us...until they are ready to start primping...

If you don't think so... take a look at Donald Trump...I will bet he needs to go to the Therapist over bad hair experiences from boyhood...

He's a prime example..

The 2 things I was taught about Male

If your Hair or shoes are not groomed/ have no chance to look good in between...Just look at the expensive suits that "The Donald wears"...His hair takes up all the energy...yuk..It probably is a foot and a half long by now with all the twirling and swirling on top he

I am off my soap box now...sorry about being so long winded..but I do know the Business..and it has broken my heart a time or two but I am in it and will be even when this stock takes off..

Now I guess we can get back to agreein that we