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12/16/12 3:14 PM

#109715 RE: Geoffroi #109714

Anything is possible. Green Asset is a closely held Nevada Corp. at this time, but could be put into a new shell or R/M into RFMK...who knows...but I do have a feeling that Tom is on the way out, just as the last CEO didn't last to long. Imo, Cherly would not be a good CEO, I don't think she has near the skills for that level of a job. Some will point to her starry eyes company, but not sure I believe all she says about it or anything she says...jmho.

Certainly, the criteria that was stated in early PR's about GA acquisitions would not include RFMK. But, here in pennyland, things often change in a heartbeat and not always to the good for current stockholders. gl