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12/14/12 9:04 PM

#34456 RE: SMSTrade #34455

What, no GOLD!
How does that happen! GOLD, GOLD, GOLD is absolutely
everywhere and particularly in Africa where Bill Clinton
went and SUGO doesn't have any GOLD! SURPRISE................

Okay, sure, it could have gone the other way and it may do so yet. But those whom jumped on the bandwagon hoping to lead others in the flock to the promised land, I'd suggest that there may be more to a stock then charting sentiments and a huge sucking sound. So now the question is, will all those BAGHOLDERS ever be able to recover their investments. Did you buy at 2s and now it's still at 0.0001? Better get the band playing some real snappy tune! HOPE is always a good investment strategy. At the same time, no risk, no gain.

GOLD, GOLD, GOLD.................

NOTE: SUGO IMO is of course not investment advice. Call it a DUH DUH moment. A moment of personal reflection where I
find myself grateful for having the GREED GENE CONTROL TOOL, otherwise known as the FEAR OF LOSS TOOL. LOL
