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Mjr Wood

12/12/12 11:57 PM

#781 RE: starbuxsux #770

I've been around awhile sitting and reading posts for awhile on certain stocks, lost my PW and stuff but decided I wanted to mess around today so I set up a new one. These OTC stocks are fun as S...T, the real stocks been not to exciting and everyone is waiting for the big announcement aka cliff. So I got time to kill so may as well run high risk until the end of the year, lol.

Raise your hand if you like money, now move your finger off the sell button, move it to your ask price and move it wayyyy up. Relax........don't drop your ask down because a few share went for less. Make a gap and make them jump. To many share went cheap today with this volume we could've got me to mid 4s or more, but you all let it go. Shame on you lol