Thanks for your DD report, and opinion; it is very interesting and much appreciated.
Speaking of funk - I believe a big factor also is having to do with the funk of the economy right now. It's a rough environment for any serious biz start-ups at the moment, sadly. People do not know what to expect with ObamaCare, for one thing, which is now in the process of being implemented, and some quite negative taxes, etc. are coming to light. Nancy Pelosi said, "we need to pass it so we can see what's in it". The real truth is it had to be implemented to see what's really in it and that's what's happening now. - Also, as I have stated, it wouldn't surprise me if this Admin. is not in the process of trying to figure out their strategy for reaping the most lucrative propositions through legislation and regulation (and perhaps patents) with regard to the MJ industry. - Also, the looming possiblity of the fiscal cliff is not a small thing and is not promoting confidence in anything having to do with business currently.
- Hold on to your hats and watch out because it's all going to be coming down the pike real soon, would be my bet, IMO.