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03/08/03 11:13 PM

#84630 RE: ajtj99 #84621

ajtj99, I think you're looking at things much too rationally. (Maybe rationality is one of the evil side-effects of the responsibilities of fatherhood?) Anyhow, by my doggie calculations, all da boyz need for a Max Pain "hit" is to tag 1000 NDX sometime during any day the week of the 17th. Who's to say we won't come at it from below and keep right on driving? Who knows how far war fever, short covering, and EOQ desires could take us?

Remember, Saddam's latest line of death is the 17th, and Greenie & the FOMC meet on the 18th. Do you think the embattled $ir-Green-Eggs-&-Ham would like to produce a rally? I think so, (and augieboo agrees with me).

So, Steve may well be nuts -- (After all, he can't seem to figure out what his name is, and I have it on good authority he talks to his dog) -- but that doesn't necessarily mean he's wrong.
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was Steve

03/09/03 9:11 AM

#84643 RE: ajtj99 #84621

I just may and it wouldn't be the first time. No disrespect(word???) ever taken from an opposing view especially from you. You made some great points that i will verify. Not because i dont belive you, but that is the kind of guy i am (ggg).
I didn't let max pain affect this prediction. Max pain is an effective tool for sure, but I didn't give it consideration in this forecast. I considered two major things. The charts and war. As for the charts i imagined where the indicators would be after another two weeks of this nasty lime flavored jello we are stuck in. As for war, i expect we will take this UN vote early in the week and hit IRAQ hard mid week and it will be over before a few days.
I will do some comparisons of 2001 charts for us and europe and give your points serious consideration. In case you want to drop by, I started a new thread for these types of discussions and to discuss trading of the leveraged funds. I have links to daily/weekly charts for US, Asian, European, Bullish % etc. thread is at

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was Steve

03/09/03 12:50 PM

#84657 RE: ajtj99 #84621

the european and asian markets have followed us around like puppy dogs up and down. the link below has the european and asian weekly charts on it. I have a private message to myself saved that includes the spx in this chart series and it makes comparisons very easy. unfortuately you wouldnt be able to see it even if i gave the link. so if you want to you could compare the highs/lows and breakdown points by looking at spx chart and then scrolling down thru these.