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03/08/03 9:14 PM

#10170 RE: sylvester80 #10146

Hey MESHUGANER (SYLVESTER) What do you think of the Israelis taking out Iraqs Nuclear Plant in June of l981---Saved the world from desvestation --I would say---What say you?????



03/08/03 9:51 PM

#10183 RE: sylvester80 #10146

Here are but a few that show you are a relentless liar, a bigot & have an extreme political POV.

I've included a few of my responses as well..........

I read, watch & follow a number of reliable & not so reliable sources to ascertain when I'm being fed a bunch of hooey....... And I know when there just might be enough factual info/credible data to certain stories/allegations to give them merit.

Your theories, allegations, fantasies, conspiracies, agendas...... whatever......... thus far go beyond hooey......... IMO You have yet to provide ANY legitimate, verifiable, credible evidence to support many of your outrageous claims & allegations........... including the claim that US forces have slaughtered thousands of innocent civilians, "in a farcical operation as mercenaries of the United States whose lawlessness now qualifies it as the world's leading rogue state.", ET AL.

Sorry Sylvester, I'm just not that gullible.

Note: I placed you on IGNORE shortly after this post for several months because you had proven to be a bigot & compulsive liar who creates grand conspiracies & blatantly false premises, then you use these lies to slander the President & his Administration................

Immediately after 9/11, the world was sympathetic for the U.S for many months. After the "axis of evil" speech and more recently with the Iraq talk and the continued killing of innocent people and the unconditional backing of the fascist murdering regime of Sharon, that has changed dramatically IMO. The U.S. use of nukes, opposition to international criminal court, trade barriers and the expansion of the war with no results (other than 5000 innocent lives lost) hasn't helped either.

If that is your source of factual, verifiable news, I need not discuss this any further with you....... or any other issues that you conjure up in your over stimulated, spuriously contrived, politically slanted & fantasy filled mind :-/

BTW, if the numbers cited in that fallacy of a so called news report were even 1/2 true............. there would be numerous, widespread, clearly documented reports by many other reputable sources........ many of which are currently chomping at the bit to give the good 'ole US of A their comeuppance..........

And since there are ZERO such verifiable reports (including that conjecture/fantasy/delusory riddled article you linked)....... with ZERO verifiable facts in support of such alleged atrocities by US forces anywhere....... I'll stick with known & verifiable facts.......

And the knowledge that there is nothing to gain from emulating similar actions by the likes of Saddam Hussein, Hitler, etc., etc....... In the end, you cannot hide the outright, ongoing slaughter of innocent civilians without this knowledge becoming widely known & easily verified by multiple unbiased sources.

Note the link you provided in this post goes to a site that does absolutly nothing to support your lies......

wstera, I think t2 hit it right on the nose with his "video game" analogy. Unlike previous wars where you had some casualties on both sides, this war IS like a "video game". Considering the carnage that we have left behind, we hardly had any casualties while friendly fire and innocent civilians killed are in the thousands, And as in a video game we just keep blowing pawns without a care in the sky. Simply amazing. I can try and put my self in any of the scores of people who have nothing to do with the Taliban and Al-Qaida that have lost whole families, loved ones and children, and I can see why people hate Americans. Have we become so arrogant as to not value anything else but our own greed, corrupt, criminal and fraudulent (as has been proven in recent weeks and months with Enron, Worldcom, Global Crossing, Xerox, Tyco, Imclone, etc... etc...) way of life? The Americans I know are decent, compassionate good people. Currently this country is without a "soul" leader... and that's a sure way to disaster IMO.

Too bad that after all that military power and huge dollars that Bush threw against Bin Laden after 9/11, I grow much more fearful of my own and my family's safety, because of Bush’s actions. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. As long as the US does not deal with the fundamental injustices and US hypocrisy that was the cause of 9/11 (like the Palestinian problem), things will only get worse IMO, and the US will continue to slip deeper and deeper into the abyss.

That is the way Bush is heading. In the name of "patriotism" and "national security" he does not want anyone to question him or criticize his handling (or mis-handling) of his policies.

I truly thought that Bush would be as well (at least that's how he run his campaign). BUT HE LIED. Instead we ended up with an extreme right wing president with huge influence from big oil, energy and other influential groups (Jewish lobby?).

Bush ........
- I blame him for terrorism and the escalation in the Middle East by giving the green light to Sharon to suppress even more an already suppressed and hopeless population
- I blame him for having pre-Sep 11 signals and doing nothing about them
- I blame him for after making a "dead or alive" Bin Laden and Omar pledge, he has failed to produce any meaningful results on this "phantom" war on terrorism other than constant fear to the US population
- I blame him for his hypocritical definition of "terrorism" (supporting the muslim Albanian terrorists in Kosovo against democratic elected christian Slavs was ok but the same situation between Palestinains and Israel is not?)
- I blame him for acting religious yet killing scores of innocent people
- I blame him for being a hypocrite to the American people

I wonder if the white house will let this (Enron, WCOM scandals, etc.) become news or will they say again is unpatriotic and because of national security to shut up? More and more I think that this war on terror is nothing but a front for Bush and Cheney to hide their terrible policies in general. They would have some of the worse approval rates had it not been for their "phantom" war on terror.

The Complete Bushisms

Laughing aside, in hind sight, how this guy became president is mind boggling and scary indeed.

And don't link me to any of your left wing, conspiracy theory threads. They are as credible as you. They prove absolutely nothing. Besides I can find as many right wing, conspiracy threads to post equally blatant lies contrary to yours that will also prove absolutely nothing.