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03/08/03 7:11 PM

#10099 RE: sylvester80 #10078

No need to Sly. Your history precludes any need to do so. I did LOL at that obvious ploy that typical shorts on YAHOO regularly use. Nice try though.

You aren't worth the effort. Besides I've done it to you before on SI. I already know that there are no facts, no matter how irrefutable, or widely accepted views that you will not dispute or ignore if it in any way conflicts with your lies, gross exaggerations & blatant distortions.

I'm not the first person to expose your lies. And when Zeev is among those who have, I feel no need to look for additional confirmation.

You cannot better reward a liar than in not believing whatever he speaks. = Aristippus (435 - 356 B. C.) Greek philosopher

All that one gains by falsehood is, not to be believed when he speaks the truth. = Aristotle (384 - 322 B. C.) Greek philosopher

A lie should be trampled on and extinguished wherever found. I am for fumigating the atmosphere when I suspect that falsehood, like pestilence, breathes around me. = Thomas Carlyle (1795 - 1881) English essayist, historian, biog. & philosopher