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12/10/12 3:51 PM

#5093 RE: Fido #5092

There are lots that came out in tact, some came out and they got new shares from emergence.

There are probably more examples of no one getting anything. I know this, I accept this (as you have)

I'm not betting or banking on them keeping the shares, OR giving you new shares when they emerge. What I am hoping for is that this company can get its act together, formulate a good recovery plan, have a good outlook, etc. The stock price, and any good news along the way, should help the price go up. At that point, I may decide to exit out and count my blessings to make any money. However, I may not stay until the end to find out I get nothing. Granted, I may kick myself if they DO decide to keep or issue new warrants. But I'm not going to take that risk. Some will because they don't have much in this anyways. I don't have a ton in it either, but if I see a way to get out with profit, then so be it. I'm not going to get greedy along the way. Take what I can get, and don't look back and be thankful for it.

A lot of people (Sam) that are stuck in this at a very high level. To be honest, for them to stay is probably best because they are down so huge anyways. there is no point in selling off (unless this just completely blows up, but we know that won't happen). count it as a loss (as you mentioned) and "hope" the law suits for those pre-BK pay off, or some sort of compensation happens.

From the look of their tactics, I say they are screwed and will have to pay those that are pre-BK. anyone post BK I'm sure isn't going to get anything.

So that being said, any sign of hope, good news, is better than someone constantly being a negative nancy and pissing in everyones corn flakes

By the way, I also know a few people who made a killing with BK stocks. Some even got new warrants in the company when it emerged and made out like bandits. Not going to cite any names as they choose to not be named. But the fact that it CAN happen is key. Once again, i'm NOT banking that will happen because it is very unlikely. Just because someone says "I don't know anyone that has" just means they are 1 person out of millions. Need to do your own DD and Research to see for yourself. I've already looked at a dozen or more examples.