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03/08/03 6:40 PM

#10076 RE: Zeev Hed #10031


First, let me say that I have absolutely no problem with dissenting opinion of any policy, action, idea, etc. I have no problem with vociferous dissention & active demonstrations expressing dissent. I don't think that makes people any less patriotic than the next guy.

All I ask is that folks make a good faith attempt at sticking to the truth, facts & reality when you actively dissent.

I intentionally labeled Sly unpatriotic. I have read countless examples of his blatant lies, gross exaggerations & false assumptions. Sly uses his clearly false premises to spin a tall tale that is ultimately used to slander President Bush & his Administration in the most despicable & harshest of terms. He often makes his false claims, etc. as though they were irrefutable fact All to often it is easy to expose his rubbish as false with data widely accepted as accurate....... or his outrageous claims cannot be corroborated by any reliable source.

And I have read Sly's poison both here & all over SI. He follows the same pattern over & over & his lies are exposed just as often.

However, when someone harbors so much obvious hate, bigotry & deep seated bias that they fabricate wild conspiracies, grossly exaggerates real situations & tells bold faced lies as though they are all factual; then use those rouses as justification slander the President & his Administration........ and when exposed for many of his obvious lies, he attacks the messenger & even the irrefutable facts & continues to name call & slander the President.......

Considering that we may be going to war with Iraq, we have growing tensions with N Korea & we are in a global war on terrorism, I think it is fair to ask folks to give a good faith effort to stick to the truth, facts & reality if you are going to question or express dissent about the President's policies, actions, ideas, etc.

To me, what Sly has done & relentlessly continues to do is genuinely unpatriotic.