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12/09/12 10:53 PM

#27871 RE: Sirpeter #27870

Those financials are going to make W2 Energy worthy of a double digit penny PPS don't get me wrong!

On the chance people wish to wait and see, that doesn't affect me as I'm here long term ;-)

IMO it will affect the hesitant investor if this gaps up as high as some think it could! This is a major deal and their joint venture partners have VERY deep pockets. Add that to the fact that multiple governments including the US have a hard&@ for green renewable energy products and that W2 has these engines working and being manufactured and being purchased - it adds up to a MAJOR play in this VERY LARGELY NEEDED MARKET!

And lets not pass by on the fact that companies like GE and BP are both looking for their next "cash cow"

Anything could happen at the drop of a dime here from HUGE government orders to a complete buyout by a major oil or energy company :-)

And these could gap the PPS up in a heartbeat leaving no time for fence sitters to get in, but give HUGE ROI's to those who bought while risk was there but VERY low!