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10/24/05 5:20 PM

#10566 RE: pual #10565

Keep in mind the fact that stock issued by any non-reporting company is restricted for one year and then figure in the deals for KCA (Dec-January '04/'05) and Explorer Headgear (April '05) and you might get some idea of large shareholders timeline. Deals can be signed and agreements made long before share are issued, but the clock still starts on the issue date so the dates I ahve provided are most likely well in advance of the issue dates.

Matin also hints to further acquisition which may involve cash and stock. If this happens the timeline for the new acquisition will extend any PPS increase mandate and make a point that Matin get the first two partners to hold off on any large scale selling to protect the third partner.

Just my opinion.

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Growth And Value

10/24/05 9:01 PM

#10569 RE: pual #10565

Paul, Matin in only in his mid to late 40s. Seems to me he has the desire and will to grow the company. In my opinion he is a nice guy, easy going to talk too, but driven to succeed.

Maybe it's just me, but what if there are just a few loose ends, but basically everything that has been said about sales and earnings are in place. Who knows, Bangladesh has been privatizing more industries and businesses. There is much we don't know and that keeps the stock price volital. News of a new North American acquisition that provided details and independent quotes from the prior owner, etc. could really help this get back in the $2.50 range faily quickly IMHO!!!
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10/24/05 10:27 PM

#10570 RE: pual #10565

Well until the time in his life that he no longer is receiving a company salary and needs to sell his personal shares, the share price is probably not an issue at all. It's like having money in a RRSP/RIF/401k, he can just let it sit there, go to work and earn his check, and then when he gets close to retirement worry about raising the share price.

Until then, it seems he hasn't much incentive to want or need the pps to be higher. Business as usual, and business is apparantly going well, so who needs to raise the stress level worrying about the publicly held portion of the company?

Eventually I think he will just start buying back shares to rid himself of all of us nuisances, lol.
