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12/07/12 3:00 AM

#19033 RE: SilverEagle #19032

USGIF is Ag bargain bottom fish of oversold & undervalued.... :-)
God Bless
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12/08/12 6:28 PM

#19034 RE: SilverEagle #19032

SilverEagle, "Why not chase the big fish" :)) I'm guessing we both know the "big fish" are working for the U.S. government & Federal Reserve to support confidence in the U.S. Dollar.
By going after the 'small' fish U.S. government regulatory agencies
seem to be attempting to legitimize their existence and maintain
some level of confidence to keep the overall fabric of business transactions in this country from unraveling.
But what's happening seems a bit schizophrenic. The U.S. gov. wants support of the dollar as a world reserve currency which implies support in confidence & value of the dollar and at the same time has devised ways to devalue it faster than other countries can typically devalue their currency.
Bottom line appears to be the U.S' years of foolish borrowing has come home to roost and now it's talking out both sides of its mouth
as a stalling tactic. But due to the news media's radical bias to the 'ruling' political entity most folks are not aware of certain rather scary facts.
So what does the above have to do with gold&silver ? Seems to me both gold & silver prices are in a pressure cooker building up a price force that will be more suddenly released in some level of an explosion someday - possibly soon.

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White Cobra

12/09/12 11:59 PM

#19036 RE: SilverEagle #19032

It Reminds Me Of A Television Show



You can't go after your buddies with the huge concentrated paper short or you would be hurting your own. :)

Heck, go after the real problem and then there is that old fashioned thing called accountability and that other old fashioned thing called responsibility. Why muck up the waters with those old drags?

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01/17/13 8:38 PM

#19275 RE: SilverEagle #19032

The Revealing Takedown Of Gold Today -

Gold Will Save The Financially Collapsing World Of Debt
January 17, 2013, at 4:11 pm
by Jim Sinclair in the category General Editorial
My Dear Extended Family,

The following article from the Telegraph was sent to us from
Dean Harry Schultz.
It was Dean Harry Schultz that gave me my first great opportunity.
I worked for him for 11 great years.

I have been outlining this evolution to you for more than a decade.
This article touches on it, but does not outline it.
This article smells it but does not yet fully appreciate it.
This process is behind the ascendancy of the euro despite
every bear argument to the settlement currency of choice.

This is happening in the marketplace, and not behind closed doors
in smoke filled rooms.
Yes, there are closed doors involved in it, but they are free
market proponents.
I know more about this than even the people who have already
adopted a name for it.

Gold is going to and beyond $3500 based entirely on this initiative
certain to become completed as a reality.
It is already happening right in front of your eyes, but the world
is still blind to it.

This is why gold will rise to $3500 and beyond, but never do a 1980 fall again.

This is why silver is a great trading vehicle, but not a great long term holding.

This is why I have invested $32,000,000 in my own approach towards gold.

This is why I sold ALL of my personal material treasures to make this investment when only I would do it.

This is why I took on large debt to accomplish my plan.

This was the basis for my career interview by Forbes in Dec 2000.

No government fund, no gold bank, and no long cycle analyst can stop
the progression of gold.
The capitalization of the forces behind gold will overcome all
these other bearish considerations.
I say this because I know this, not because I think this.

I knew gold’s first most important number was $1650 11 years ahead
of time.
I did not think it.
I am telling you now because I know it that gold will go to and
beyond $3500.
It will be gold that saves a financially collapsing world of debt.

A new Gold Standard is being born
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Last updated: January 17th, 2013

The world is moving step by step towards a de facto Gold Standard,
without any meetings of G20 leaders to announce the idea or
bless the project.

Some readers will already have seen the GFMS Gold Survey for 2012
which reported that central banks around the world bought more
bullion last year in terms of tonnage than at any time in almost
[t][/t]half a century.

They added a net 536 tonnes in 2012 as they diversified fresh
reserves away from the four fiat suspects: dollar, euro, sterling,
and yen.

The Washington Accord, where Britain, Spain, Holland, South Africa,
Switzerland, and others sold a chunk of their gold each year,
already seems another era – the Gordon Brown era, you might call it.

That was the illusionary period when investors thought the euro
would take its place as the twin pillar of a new G2 condominium
alongside the dollar.
That hope has faded. Central bank holdings of euro bonds have
fallen back to 26pc, where they were almost a decade ago.

Neither the euro nor the dollar can inspire full confidence,
although for different reasons.
EMU is a dysfunctional construct, covering two incompatible
economies, prone to lurching from crisis to crisis, without a
unified treasury to back it up.
The dollar stands on a pyramid of debt.
We all know that this debt will be inflated away over time –
for better or worse.
The only real disagreement is over the speed.

The central bank buyers are of course the rising powers of Asia and
the commodity bloc, now holders of two thirds of the world’s $11
trillion foreign reserves, and all its incremental reserves.

It is no secret that China is buying the dips, seeking to raise the
gold share of its reserves well above 2pc.
Russia has openly targeted a 10pc share.
Variants of this are occurring from the Pacific region to the Gulf
and Latin America.
And now the Bundesbank has chosen to pull part of its gold from New
York and Paris.

Personally, I doubt that Buba had any secret agenda, or knows
something hidden from the rest of us.
It responded to massive popular pressure and prodding from
lawmakers in the Bundestag to bring home Germany’s gold.
Yet that is not the end of the story.
The fact that this popular pressure exists – and is well-organised
– reflects a breakdown in trust between the major democracies and
economic powers.
It is a new political fact in the global system.

God Bless