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12/06/12 9:18 PM

#36092 RE: Toofuzzy #36088

Hi Fuzz!

I am with you on # 1;
I disagree with you on #2;
I bought PostNL(AEX Market) on December 3rd. Volatility short term Trading Range history eyeballed @ +/- 10%. Not done any Optimization yet.
4 parameters
Hold zones: +/- 8%
Buy Aggr: 0,5
Sell Aggr: 0,4

We have developed an optimization Subroutine for Vortex to optimize 4 parameters:
2 Hold Zones
2 Aggression Factors

Trading Cost vatiables are set at:
Min. Amount per Trade = 6,50
Plus Ratio Amount = 0,001*(Trade Value -3500).

I have tested the Subroutine on the SPY Fund and for now the results match the parameter settings approximately as I had set them for the Demo Portfolio. The predicted yield matched the Demo Yield quite good(As of 5 Dec. ROTAC= 7% and ROTAI = 13%). I will use this optimization program for the PostNl Individual Stock to set the parameters. Experimenting is my game on this.

I agree with you on # 3;
In a multiple Fund Portfolio with 10 Starters in my Dutch Demo Penny Stock Portfolio I AIM each Fund individually. These Demo investments do not reflect my personal financial resources. . .you need deep pockets to do invest like I did in the Demo. Results from 16 February 2012 - 5 December 2012. . .The AMT Fund was cashed out some months ago after a 100 price jump :
Results on total Portfolio:

ROTAC Annualized Yield = 358 %
Sum of Capital Invested = 502000
Yield is based on the Time Averaging of the injected Capital
Reserve = 353811
Stock = 950594
Interest earned on Reserve @ 3%= 4856
Trading Cost estimated at ~1% per trade (Can not access the Portfolio Cost Report for this right now).

ROTAI Annualized Yield = 1031 %
Yield is based only on the Tine Averaged Investment(Capital that is not invested is not at risk)


I listen to you but I choose to reject some of your Advice.