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12/05/12 5:31 PM

#16973 RE: wingtrade #16972

If you looked at all the deals they made they have always retained the licensing rights for parts or future sales. The ACS will be worth nothing if ANTS cannot sell it. I am not in anyway shape or form suggesting that ANTS de do not own the IP of ACS. Let me be clear. ANTS owns the ACS in entirety until otherwise I am proven wrong. Rik obviously said in his PR's that he is protecting ANTS trade secrets and IP. I just got tired of people making assumptions here that the ACS or the AAA are in Frank's companies. That is absolute BS.
Like I said, it will not be in the best interest of any parties involved to withold the ACS technology as it is a proven disruptive technology that even IBM deployed in their hardware. The ACS need some more work to get the more complex data migration contracts. They have the original developer of ACS in the tech advisory board. I have to assume they are working and helping Rik with this issues. Rik is the sales guy. He got IBM and the Navy to use the ADS. That is his contract. Give him a product that works and he will sell it.

Be patient people. We are almost there.

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12/05/12 7:31 PM

#16977 RE: wingtrade #16972

I'll repeat what I said the other day. Do a search on patent applications.