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Helter Skelter

12/04/12 6:59 PM

#76028 RE: kalstone #76026

You don't trademark a patent. You trademark a name or a symbol/graphic. Not a patent.

I'm embarrassed for this billion dollar pos company that found it necessary to issue a PR on a simple registration of a trademark.

A registered trademark is the circle R (Micro Identification Technologies®) while a TradeMark is the raised TM (Micro Identification Technologies™). They mistakenly referred to the name using both trademark designators in today's PR. Clowns. I wouldn't trust these fools to detect salmonella on salmon, lOl...or leopard spots on a leper, lOl...

You simply ™ a name/graphic that you intend to register ® sometime down the road. It (™) serves as a piece of protection until the trademark registration takes affect. It's pre-course business 101...for dummies.

By the way, if it takes them 2 years and 10 months to obtain a simple registered many decades will it be to obtain certified certs from that other scammy-like paid-for-endorsements...firm?

The company made the name change years ago. Or did they? They don't really know what they are doing. Haavi fun is so confused that he got the name wrong and misspelled it on the conflict-of-interest-issue company's web page, "Micro Imaging Technolgies" that is foolishly, frequently displayed here like a tattered, for good reason, "we surrender" flag, lOl...

See link > Banks! I never understood it either! It wasn't just Haavi fun! I think it was Ricarditrick! Honest! That's how I remember it! When I was here!


By the's a stupid name anyway. Micro Imaging, Micro Identification?



Everyone knows that the industry is going nano.

Now, Nano Imaging Technologies or Nano Identification Technologies would have been something to write home about...or spend 3 years waiting to address the USPTO (US Patent Trademark Office) about...for a clown outfit.

Link > Banks! We weren't sure how to spell nano! I told Haavi to look into it! Honest! Thanks! We may go that way! Give us time!
