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12/04/12 5:41 PM

#29664 RE: shore18 #29663

shore, 100 orders a day for a month is not a soft launch. Hopefully, FUSE does not run out of the DROPS


12/04/12 9:17 PM

#29691 RE: shore18 #29663

Isn't it obvious? The sublingual glands are salivary glands in the mouth that lie under the tongue. The liquid from the PowerFuse™ and ElectroFuse™ products is not placed under the tongue ..."squeeze the entire ampule in your mouth". Notice there is no mention of placing under your tongue.


12/04/12 9:56 PM

#29697 RE: shore18 #29663

Shore and others who have posted today on what is "Special" about the Drops.

Here is my "two cents".

First, they are smaller, quicker and you get more bang for less caffeine WITHOUT the harmful Taurine that other energy companies use currently.

Second, is it sublingual or not? It is both, yes some of it will enter sublingually and yes you will ingest some, hence the " quicker" absorption into your system.

Third, why can't it state sublingual? It is not exclusively sublingual. This is a legal labeling issue, not a marketing issue. They are taking the right route by NOT listing it this way.

Bottom line, coffee and most other energy drinks including 5 hour take 15 minutes plus to begin to effect and most have a crash to them. PowerFuse begins to take effect in 3 to 5 minutes and you do not feel a crash based on my experience with this product.

5 hour was first to introduce a concentrated energy product, Fuse is launching the Next Generation of an even smaller, quicker , more effective and safer energy product. How did 5 hour do? Well you all know how that played out, by the way, they did not start out guns a blazing, it took time, relax, buy some cheap shares, put them away and watch this company grow.

I will reference an MIT article that Aksys shared that I read months ago. In summary, 1st position innovators blaze the trail (5 hour), however history has proven they end up being surpassed by the company that is in 2nd position (next generation for you techies). Fuse Science is set to be that 2nd generation company. There is no one else who is out there currently with this product and it's absorption rate and effectiveness.

Fuse Science, is poised to "shock" the energy category with the Drop line. Will it work? I say we let them do their job and watch this play out.

Oh and for a bonus, this is not just an energy play/investment. They have a much larger bag of even greater items ( for the investor) that they are working on behind the scenes.

My point, focus on the business plan, not the individual product. There is far more here than a roll on and a couple of drop products.

Again, just my two ..... Or three cents worth.