You can't be serious? Your asking the wolf who is guarding the hen house if the hens are safe. I rely on filings and real DD. Tell me in your 30 minutes of DD, where do I buy a pizza cone? You know, the pride and joy of CNOZ. Many, many investors visited Spongetech and considered that great DD. Others relied on the filings and common sense.
Ok thanks for clarifying that since the boardwalk was closed, cones are no longer available. I suspected the same thing and now that sales outlet appears to be gone for next summer as well. I just don't understand why such faithful followers of CNOZ take to childish comments instead of honest facts. You think they would benefit from sharing all the wonderful knowledge they have about cones and CNOZ but for some reason just can't produce any real data. Makes you think it's because it don't exist. I'll keep checking though to see if I find something.