Because they all had to be converted, but more importantly was the shareholder votes, if there were thousands of shorts as has been claimed by some on this board, the actual total votes would have outnumbered actual shares. This did not happen, even though there were those who said the "spit will hit the fan" and other things just prior to the split. The individual investors voted their "shares", had any of those been fraudulent that would have been seen immediately. One person claimed there are hundreds of thousands of post split shares shorted, don't you think this would have been noticed say if 900,000 votes were cast with only 600,000+ shares outstanding??? What happened to the ones who were getting their certificates??
No shorts, no evidence as such, 30 more days for TEVE to get their 250,000 dollars its looking for (as per their 10Q). and as a reminder here it is:
The Company is actively looking for bank funding of working capital. Prior to January 1, 2013, TelVue expects to have a revolving line of credit in place which it expects will provide up to approximately $250,000 in funds.