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12/05/12 10:37 AM

#2303 RE: ferdilopje #2302

Did anyone think we would find a river bed overhwelming evidence water flowed on Mars? The recovering market is going to need shells. Just like hermit crabs after a storm that eat lots of newly deposited food need new shells. Also, with all of the pieces fitting together with Project Paper Clip, the Cold War, the Bombs at Hiroshima & Nagisaki- the "Alien Greys", Nazi-Nasa connection, and South American technology agencies involved in disseminating propaganda, news, media, and such; well DGMA is as ripe as BMW for the South American secret societies that have lurked in the shadows for 80 years since the 1930's when they realized they needed a "new deal" themselves; and secretly met in a barn in New England and created "the nine". just an idea. You know, since the cold war was a hoax to convince the masses of the world we needed a defence grid... but against what?