FTM, CP, Bavi binds a complex of PS and beta2-glycoprotein based on what I've read so far. Unless FTM can show a reference that bavi does not bind to PS he is wrong in his statement. Also, all this ranting about MOA, interesting mentally, but I'm more interested in whether bavi combo will increase MOS and leave the MOA as a black box. I still stand by my statement that bavi alone or with this current combo does not elicit an adaptive immune response in humans based on results so far- but that it unlocks one of several locks that holds back the adaptive immune response. I wonder if there is a difference in the binding mechanism of the murine version vs the human bavi that may be one of the causes of the difference in the results seen in murine/rat models vs humans so far. FTM, do you know if the the murine anti-PS antibody also binds to a complex of PS and beta2-glycoprotein? Thanks