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11/27/12 11:16 AM

#166 RE: Johnny4profits #165

Every time this BS happens

In the mean time, the securities and the politicians trusted to protect and serve the citizens will continue to fall into disfavor

Well I did my pathetic best in contacting the Senate Banking Committee who has oversight of the SEC - they have their own site. Everyone of my suggestions implied giving more regulatory power to the SEC, which is counter to the political slogans we need less gov. I received back a computer generated acknowledgement, and would be shocked if I was contacted in a follow up by our wonderful politicians.

This rampant fraud is becoming predictable enough in its signs as to possibly be trade-able. Look for a one man shop, where the CEO and other insiders own 80% control or better. Does not report to a securities agency (SEC, CSA). Non audited reports. Then sit and wait. Wait till hundreds of millions or even billions of shares are issued to the CEO in a short time frame- assuming that info is available. As soon as they put out a flowery report to pump their shares, buy. Then a week into the pump, sell. The SEC won't be far behind. Both LLEG, and KMAG fit the profile. Actually in hindsight KMAG flaunted its fraud at the investor. Speaking of which...

The same ole keeps getting rehashed. A miracle coming at any moment. True Longs are accumulating, as volume continues to drop. Gotta wonder whether it's the stoopids or some motive driving some of the garbage being posted.