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11/26/12 8:25 PM

#47878 RE: elysse1kittycat #47868

Very good post.
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11/27/12 8:22 AM

#47880 RE: elysse1kittycat #47868

I have two distinct sets of emotions which are at at tug of war with each other.

I couldn't have said it better!
I see BOTH sides of the argument, I FEEL both sides of the argument everyday.
SO FAR I have managed to keep the paranoia at bay...but am I just being STUPID???

Time will tell.

God knows I have been in my share of CONpanies...and they weren't ALL penny stocks either!!!
Anyone remember Satyam???
it will be 4 years ago in January that the CEO of that CONpany
"jumped off the tiger" and informed the world that they'd been cooking the books for YEARS!

I was a naive and somewhat unrealistic newbie to the penny world when I first bought ACTC.
I THINK I'm a little smarter and more realistic now.
...That's part of what drives the paranoia...
I've seen firsthand the BS the management of these penny stocks pull.

IS this just a mealticket for them?
...It doesn't really seem like their compensation is justified by performance!
WHY do they sell shares?
...It's not like they're living hand to mouth! LOL!
WHY are they moving so slowly?
...Is this really the BEST they can do?

But, like you, here I am, and here I stay...
I do not have any money here that I can't afford to lose...I just DON'T WANT to lose it!!!

Yup! I'm MARRIED to ACTC...for better or worse....
I read something about marriage once.
It went along the lines of,
Love isn't about the way things are when times are good.
Love is having the faith to stand by the shore and wait
for the tide to turn and come back in, when things are not so good.

It's a hard thing to do sometimes...
but necessary, if a relationship is going to survive.

Let's hope the tide is getting ready to turn!
It's been a LONG and trying year for us.

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Silvr Surfr

11/27/12 4:25 PM

#47886 RE: elysse1kittycat #47868

ACTC seems to be a stepping stone for the technology and for scientist.

It does raise questions, which you have indicated. I dont like the pps movements but plan to hang on to the end.

I sure hope these trials go well.
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11/27/12 7:25 PM

#47889 RE: elysse1kittycat #47868

ELYSSE, by far your best post ever in capturing the conflicting feelings we longtimers feel.
I'm on the same page, but find it's good for me every now and then to spout off to relieve my frustration after being so patient all these years. All that, sorry to say in the context of it sure would be nice to see the fruits of our investment while still around!

Interesting, to say the least, for the path this company has gone down.
Yesterday I posted a whole another approach where Pfizer, as I understand, is funding the multi-year eye research of this company they've partnered with in san diego. A whole different approach than we've taken, which, if that company ever gets commercial, will certainly reduce it's bottom profit line, which rabin keeps saying is not the strategy of actc. So there it is, but I still put coal in his stocking this year, or no hannukah tree, whatever!