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11/24/12 10:21 PM

#18913 RE: luk_diver #18912

From the Sept 13th article in the VC News. Robin asks the county to amend the permit, and that is exactly what they just did, posted a couple items back. Of course then after they act, she comments they should wait for the court case to finish. Can't have it both ways. She wanted the county to act, and they did, allowing the hauling by amending the permit.
Robin Cobbey, of the CRA stated that, “they (Storey County officials) should not be taking the position that they have 'no authority.' Taking such a weak position sets a dangerous precedent. Our position is that the county has this authority and should not give it up. If the county’s intent is to help CMI get their ore to the mill site, then they should amend the permit to allow that. They shouldn’t throw out their legal authority just to help out this one mining company.”
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11/26/12 10:51 AM

#18914 RE: luk_diver #18912

Dog and pony show. The courts will let them put on a display to show everyone that associations like this are not just going to be 'blatantly ignored'. After the CRA cries for a while it'll all be dismissed, and the CRA will probably run out of funds by the end of the process.

There's nothing here to be concerned about, all a sympathetic show for the CRA, that and once the courts make a choice about it the CRA can't really continue on with their debacle so all this crying from them will end there regardless.
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11/26/12 2:26 PM

#18915 RE: luk_diver #18912

"Seems" being the operative word.

Did you notice that that is not a news article, but a submitted story by the CRA? In other words, it's propaganda- no fact checking, no journalistic standards, no objectivity. It's a press release.

Important to understand exactly what the situation is here:

1. CRA sued Storey County, and mentioned CMI. Storey County is the primary defendant, and so the legal action taken (motion to dismiss) is their response, not the companies.

2. This lawsuit really means very little, other than making work for lawyers. The lawsuit does not ask for an injunction to stop hauling on the highway- it simply asks that the county be ordered to enforce the CRA's interpretation of CMI's mining special use permit. What does this mean?

3. If the CRA prevails with this lawsuit, then the county simply has to grant a modification to the SUP to remove the language that mentions on-road/off-road trucks and the issue is moot. In the meantime, CMI will continue to operate in compliance with their permits as issued by the proper authorities.

4. The CRA continues to marginalize themselves. If you believe their narrative, there is some vast right-wing conspiracy to destroy their property values and poison their children. In the meantime, they are grasping at straws to obstruct the biggest job creation project in southern Storey County in years- I guess they don't really care about the 100 or so of their neighbors who would lose their jobs if the CRA was successful in shutting down this project. Their rhetoric is becoming increasingly shrill, and they have allied themselves with a coalition of extreme left-wing groups (not the way to build support in a community that is +22 R).

The other thing to realize is that at any point, the logjam with clearing up the BLM issue could break and the highway usage would be a moot point.

While a different decision on this issue would have removed an annoyance, I wouldn't call this a setback.