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11/23/12 11:27 PM

#113937 RE: DavidA2 #113936

David - for once, the broken weather vane has a point.

For all the boasting of Clover Trail design wins, few of them made it time to market with Windows 8, and none of them were manufactured in enough volumes to make it even a few weeks into the launch ramp.

It is a big miss on the current CEO's watch. It's like Intel went out timidly with their first real tablet part, rather than proudly - almost building it conservatively in case it didn't sell through. And yet, Clover Trail could have been better than any of the other tablets flooding the retail space this Black Friday - and instead Intel gets ZERO percent of that market.

I can't even find a Samsung ATIV, even though I would pay for one on the spot of they existed. I have holiday gift ideas for relatives, and even knowing how and where to search on the Internet, I get nada....