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11/23/12 9:59 AM

#6267 RE: trader53 #6239

*FTCH* Ask thinning out Quickly!


11/24/12 7:47 AM

#6354 RE: trader53 #6239

$SUGO Waves 1 and 2

The 5-wave impulse pattern


12/09/12 7:03 AM

#7244 RE: trader53 #6239

$SUGO- Pent-Up Potential for Precious Metals in 2013:

Of the current bull market, "Gold Stocks" have been the better investment.

$SUGO- Mine developers will be bought by larger competitors >
looking to add output and reserves.

$See All the Charts below >

TGR: You rely on technical charts for your advice to your readers. What do your technical charts tell you gold will do in 2013?

JH: I just ran this exercise for my subscribers, and came up with a chart showing the minimum target price of gold at $2,200 an ounce (oz) and over $3,000/oz on the high end by the end of 2013. These prices represent gains in the 3575% range from the current price. It is a much more aggressive annual return than I would usually forecast much higher than the average annual rate over the past 10 years.

However, precious metals have been consolidating for well over a year. The chart has an incredible amount of pent-up upside potential for 2013. Plus, the gold price is now bouncing around the bottom line of its trend channel. A failure to push higher and break $2,200/oz by the end of 2013 would mean that gold has fallen out of its long-term trend channel and signal the end of the bull market. I put the likelihood of that outcome at less than 5%. Thus, I think the official, inflation-adjusted high of $2,400/oz will be taken out within the next 12 months.

TGR: Given that prediction, should investors be buying gold, gold equities or both?

JH: I recently published an article on this topic and the answer is: It depends. From 2001 to 2005, gold was up roughly 92% and gold stocks up 648%. In this period you would have seen seven times greater returns investing in gold stocks.

From 2001 through Nov. 12, 2012, physical gold has appreciated by 537%. However, gold stocks have gone up nearly twice the rate of gold for a gain of 936%. This is the leverage that seasoned investors remember and it drives our decision to allocate a significant portion of our portfolio to mining stocks. That said, I believe it is best to own both bullion and mining shares, because they serve different purposes.

Just from the start of August through mid-November, the gold price advanced 8%. Gold stocks were up 18%. That is leverage of roughly 2.4 times. It is hard to say if that will continue, but it is a positive sign for investors in mining stocks.

TGR: What is your investment thesis for precious metals equities?

JH: The equities are undervalued right now relative to bullion. A lot of that has to do with distrust of the stock market and of Wall Street in general, after all of the fraud and failures in the past years. But if the market holds up for a while longer and current trends continue, I think we will see mining stocks continue to outperform gold.


12/09/12 10:33 AM

#7251 RE: trader53 #6239

$SUGO is "the Next Gold Runner"

The "Bidding War" for $SUGO will begin soon !

$SUGO- Pent-Up Potential for Precious Metals in 2013:

$SUGO 0.0002 is "the Next 2012 Gold Runner", going to 0.02+ Cents!

$SUGO is ready for "Minor Wave 3" !!

$SUGO Minor Waves 1(v) and 2c, now complete.

$SUGO at Point of Maximum Financial Opportunity !

$SUGO 0.0001 -> You're at the place,
where most good "Trips" begin !

$SUGO is Our #1 Super Pick !!
$Gold, SUGO, Pres.Clinton in Africa

President Clinton and SUGO - both in Africa


12/09/12 12:36 PM

#7294 RE: trader53 #6239

SUGO deserves a close-up look !

All eyes should be on this one !!


12/13/12 6:04 AM

#7654 RE: trader53 #6239

$LONG TERM: market nearing bull/bear "inflection point"

This potentially "pivotal" week.

LONG TERM: bull market nearing "inflection point"

* Our preferred bull market count
continues to unfold as generally expected.

* We have been anticipating this to be Cycle wave [1]
of a new multi-decade Supercycle bull market.

* Cycle wave bull markets unfold in five Primary waves.

* Thus far,
Primary waves I and II,
completed in 2011,
and Primary wave III,
has been underway since that low.

Primary wave I,
divided into five Major waves,
with a subdividing Major wave 1.

Primary wave III,
appears to be following the same path,
except Major wave 3 is also subdividing.
Not unusual for a third wave.

Major waves 1 and 2

have completed in 2012,
and Major wave 3 has been underway
since the Major 2 low at SPX 1267.

The technicals, RSI/MACD,
continue to display generally bullish patterns.

$We give this bullish scenario
a 70% chance of continuing into 2013.

There is a 30% probability,
according to our calculations,
that stocks made a bull market high in Sept/Oct 2012
in the form of an elongated diagonal triangle.

The chart below displays a five Primary wave,
(I thru V), move up from March 2009.
But it best counted as a potential ABCDE.

Under this alternate scenario,
only 30%,

the recent downtrend into the mid-November lows
was the first wave down of the new bear market.
And, the current uptrend a counter-trend rally.

As we have noted in the past few weeks,
counter-trend rallies,
after the first downtrend,
retrace between 69% and 90% of the previous decline.

This would give this uptrend a price objective
between SPX 1434 and 1462.
The SPX reached 1424 on monday.


12/23/12 10:44 AM

#8269 RE: trader53 #6239

SUGO had the "Runs"

> Average number of times
a run for "funding" is done,
is 3 times.

> Sometimes we see a fourth,
and a even a fifth time,
if the company was successful
with the previous ones,
but usually, 3 times.

If successful,
then company will usually start running
at new highs,
start delivering results,
and move up.

When un-successful,
a "shell" is then usually passed to new hands,
by acquisition, R/M, merger, change of management, etc.

They will "run" it up,
to what "retail" is able to sustain,

as long as "retail" keeps buying the run.

Previous runs,
will tell you how good they are at it,
and what to expect on the next one!

Future runs,
usually duplicate the past runs.


currently a "triple zero" stock,
has an A/S of 2,500,000,000

Shares Outstanding ...............1,571,933,871 a/o Oct 22, 2012
Float ..............................153,002,219 a/o Dec 13, 2011
Authorized Shares ................2,500,000,000 a/o Mar 12, 2012


12/24/12 2:38 AM

#8313 RE: trader53 #6239