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10/19/05 2:34 PM

#182 RE: RichieBoy #181

Oh hello

I'm your new CEO and for kicks I just spent thousands upon thousands for Investor Relations in fact after 2 months just for giggles I spent $5000 bucks instead of 3000 a month gee okay well I'll be right back I just have to decide why I did that...

Oh right here it is: Glenbriar has embarked on a shift towards commercialization of its strong portfolio of technology solutions, and is simultaneously implementing a comprehensive investor relations and communications program to increase visibility and market awareness.

Okay a little tongue in cheek I'm entitled after waiting this long! Apparently Rob is seeing enough business coming in and enough potential to justify what I see as the most money Glenbriar has ever spent on marketing. You know and I know how frugal Rob can be so a prediction boys FWIW and ONLY! IMO

Something is brewing if Rob is spending that kind of moolah.

Good Luck everyone!
