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11/21/12 7:19 AM

#194014 RE: fuagf #193892

fuagf, I did read Juan Cole's post but it doesnt change my opinion a bit that the Hamas rocket launches against Israel are never never ever going to lead to a solution and in fact deepens the division.

I agree with much of Juan's characterization of Isael however it makes no difference to me that not one Israeli was killed at the time of the post. The Rockets were still reigning on Israel from Hamas. Just because they hadnt hit anything doesnt make it acceptable. Nobody is going to stand idle hoping one doesnt hit. Israel has a right to defend and stop the source of the rockets as Obama said.

As for Ahmad Jabari and him seeking a truce. Why the hell did he have to seek a truce???? Hmmm? Because his group was firing rockets. Their was no need for a truce if he wasnt firing rockets. If he was in fact trying to bring a truce and i have no reason to doubt it, why do they continue to fire rockets while supposedly hoping for an end to the Israeli counter response. You simply stop firing the rockets and Israel will stop. Juan Cole calls the assasination a ruse. No shit. So if thats true you have played right into their hands BY FIRING THE ROCKETS IN THE FIRST PLACE and giving them an excuse for their counter attacks which many world leaders like Obama then publicly say is justified.

Hamas is f--cked up and a scourge on the Palestinian people. Eventually they'll figure it out and stop voting for them but they are going to probably endure a lot more misery before they figure it out. This isnt hard fuagf, stop the damm rockets. Im sick and tired of watching all these fatass overweight double chinned Hamas and Hizzbullah leaders (puppets) who are doing the bidding of Iran more so than their own people. Their pockets are being lined and they are stuffing their fat faces with the best of foods while their people live in misery and poverty. The Palestinians need to hire PR firms and dump Hamas. They need PR firms to make many films about the injustices. Films and PR has impact much like the film stories made by CNN about the Taliban and shooting and hanging of women on soccer fields. Or like films of Neda in Iran. They need pr, stories, film of their injuctices. Sure their are already some. They need to multiply it by 100. Diplomatic solution, UN nation status, Pr are the real answer. Stop the f-cking rockets. Stop playing into their hands. The only thing your Juan Cole post to me does is tell me even more that the rockets are the wrong way and Hamas is the wrong way
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02/05/13 1:05 AM

#198021 RE: fuagf #193892

Malala Yousafzai Statement

Malala speaks very well .. sometimes we just get caught for words. like .. dang, what can i say! .. lol .. sometimes they
come .. sometimes not .. dang .. Malala am thinking seldom would be stuck for the right words .. in most any situation .. :)