Dreaming big is the beginning of figuring out how to get there, knowing what opportunities can be seized and how to execute on them is the defining moment. If MRNJ can secure top tier movies through financing arrangements and major content signing on, then they will no doubt capture a share of the market, in my guesstimation more than 1%. In my opinion, they are well positioned at an advantageous time. It is a big "if" but I believe that management is experienced enough in this field to pull it off with a bit of good luck and timing. Sounds like the timing of a major content sign on simultaneously coupled with a 7 digit financing package is demystifying in and of itself. Of course, the fine print must be demystifyed too. It sounds like the stewards of this company are keeping us abreast of many of the irons in the fire. Odds would suggest that some of these will burn red hot, which ones will keep everyone guessing.