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03/06/03 9:57 AM

#242 RE: Bob Zumbrunnen #241

"Is anyone making similar or better AMD-based equipment?"

There are several manufacturers of dual AhtlonMP servers. Racksaver is one, Polywell is another. Both of those companies plan to have dual Opterons in the late April timeframe. Got a couple of questions though. How much memory do you need? Drive space? You seem to indicate your server needs are CPU bound.

At this point in time a Racksaver 1U, model 1129 with 4Gig of RAM, 108GBbyes of SCSI hard drives, DR-R/W, dual 10/100 ethernet and a dual AthlonMP 2400+ runs aboutr $5.515 with Linux. Win2k adds another $1k. Now if you need more than 4GBytes oof RAM, then this won't work for you. Hmm, a dual Xeon 2.4 runs about the same price ($150 more) for a similar configuration and with the E7500 chipset. Which one provides the best performance? It depends on what you are doing. There are comparison reviews out there with various applications, not knowing what applications you want to run, or even the OS, it's a tough call.

You may or may not get better performance once (and let's face it, if) AMD gets the Opterons out. Again, it depends on what you are doing. There should be quad Opterons out by the end of the year running much faster than 800MHz, though...
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03/06/03 11:07 AM

#253 RE: Bob Zumbrunnen #241

Bob - database servers

One set of articles you may find interesting are those from anandtech, in which he describes the process of upgrading his site's servers a few months ago. He has a web server, a database server, and possibly one more - I forget. However, since then the Xeons seem to have really kicked into a higher gear, so I'm not sure how applicable this would all be today.

Similarly, if 4/22 brings with it the promised hammers, I'm not sure how applicable this would all be then, either.

You'll probably like the article, as it deals with the business aspects of the upgrade, not just the technicals. So, you'll read about his web hosts, I/O costs, reliability, the problems he had, physical space constraints, etc.

in chronological order: (june 2001) (april 2002)
