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11/16/12 9:10 PM

#33641 RE: snowydog #33638

I share your frustration that a good quarterly got brushed aside like it was a non-event, but I think it is a temporary event and that the flood of new things in the hopper is really exciting and worthy of hanging on for a while yet. Based on the spectrum of discussions the past couple of weeks, there is more than meets the eye going on, just my hunch. For example, the announcement of tha trademark registration granted for APPFLIX got shuffled aside too, as a non-event by many on this board, BUT it is NOT a non-event by any means and I think the best news lately. I even think there is a coorelation between that trademark approval and the blog today with the financing option and large content provider waiting in the wings. Appflix is a fantastic name, as soon as it was issued MANY were immediately aware of it and looking into it, as is the case when a patent is issued. It's approval can garner opportunities unforeseen. When big things start to happen don't think that you will be the very first to know of it on this discussion board. Also, when that occurs the dynamic will shift and things will happen relatively MUCH faster than we are used to seeing. Just my opinions of course.


11/16/12 10:55 PM

#33648 RE: snowydog #33638

I actually do think the pps may pop if they do sign a favorable financing deal and they do sign licensing agreements for top-tier content. But it highly depends on the terms of the financing. Most companies with about $400 in cash do not get "seven-figure financing" agreements with really great terms, regardless of how much potential their investors think they have.

I wouldn't expect much of an impact on share price until the details are confirmed and known. And of course, it depends on exactly what those details are. But, who knows, as has been mentioned here many times before, the pps is easily manipulated in pink stocks. People always point out that someone must be trying to keep the price down by manipulating it, they forget that at these prices the pps could just as easily be manipulated up.

Best of luck
