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11/15/12 11:17 AM

#39705 RE: rj2 #39695

RJ - I think Sunspotter is contributing about FASC. You and I know Brian has not sought more money (shares) etc from shareholders because Cascade showed him there was not shareholder support. Look over the posts of the last year. A lot of negativity on Brian's so called "incompetence". He indeed would not have been likely supported. Would he now? I think so--if for no more reason than the most negative, critical shareholders at least want the best odds on their investment not going down the drain.

True negativity (as we had it ad infinitem on the other board), was truly ego driven, self-seeking individuals who could only feel important in attacking. It was spirit destroying banter that wanted nothing more than to show their self-importance with an "I told you so" attitude. Finally, under TR's stewardship, (he handled that mess--I couldn't),they ended up burning each other out with their hateful diatribe.

We need to be careful that we don't swing too far to the other side of the pendulum. Sunspotter's posts are contrary to ours. Your point is that you see little to indicate other than consistent postings as to why the demise of FASC is in short order. He has a right to his position, and his honest statement that he holds no postion, and he would advise any new investor not to touch this stock. I guess I have seen a situation outside of the investor field where a group blindly followed a leader, and dissent meant ostricism. This grew into a cult. We are all human beings with flaws. The best we can post here are our positions. But when no one can say he thinks this is "a piece of crap", I am not happy. Sunspotter strongly believes we are too lopsided in follwing the leaders. He is strongly moved to counterbalance this. He does it in an acceptable way. It is opposite to what I hope and believe will happen. But, he well might be right. Waitedg