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11/14/12 9:51 AM

#193464 RE: F6 #193454

Racist Bill O'Reilly to Black Man: "You look like a cocaine dealer"

Hey O'Reilly, you racist azzhole, even this aussi read 20? 30? 40? years ago cocaine
was big on Wall Street. It hasn't changed. You really fucked it there. You dickhead.

Cracked Tales Of Cocaine On Wall Street

Carrie Hojnicki | Jul. 13, 2012, 12:24 PM | 81,432 | 13

Wall Streeters work long hours doing tedious work for demanding bosses — but they love to party.

What to do?

Enter the Street's underground (or not) obsession with the white powder, cocaine. It's
expensive, it's glamorous, and it gives you the synthetic energy to party all night long.
.. much more .. ..

with many very rich white man photographs.

Bill Maher on Bill O'Reilly's Bigotry

Bill O'Reilly Lies to Bill Maher on Fox News Misreporting Cost of Obama Trip to India?

"Obama is spending $200 million a day on trip to India"

gotta include "LOL, The Wisconsin palm trees has to be on the top of the list." .. again ..

Lies on the Bill O'Reilly Show-Palm Trees in Madison

How do you spell lying-racist-bigotry? FOX


11/15/12 4:27 AM

#193541 RE: F6 #193454

Ron Paul's Final Speech to Congress
Published on Nov 14, 2012 by RonPaulcom

11/14/2012 -


Ron Paul: America is Far Gone!
Published on Nov 9, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel

Alex talks with Rep. Ron Paul about Obama's re-anointment and the economic implosion now slowly taking out the pinions of the once mighty U.S. economy.

Joel Skousen sits down with Alex Jones and discusses strategies on how to prepare for and survive major disasters.!/RealAlexJones
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FULL UNEDITED Ron Paul Speech @ We Are the Future Rally - Tampa Sun Dome - Aug 26 2012
Published on Aug 26, 2012 by RonPaulFlix

Ron Paul Speech @ We Are the Future Rally - Tamp Sun Dome - Aug 26 2012


Ron Paul Speech: Our Time Has Come
Published on May 13, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel

"Our time has come, and it won't be stopped," the Congressman noted during a 50-minute long speech. "In the short range, there will be bumps. In the long range, if we are dedicated, we will change this country and we will change the world."


Ron Paul speech to Tea Party uncensored
Uploaded by RTAmerica on Oct 11, 2010

Rep. Ron Paul brought a crowd at the Virginia Tea Party Patriots Convention to its feet October 9th, delivering a fiery speech about an "intellectual revolution." He said the economy is going "to get a lot worse before it gets better" and advocated getting rid of the IRS and the income tax.


Ron Paul: A 2012 Revolution
Uploaded by aenfroy87 on Jun 14, 2010

In 2008, Ron Paul's presidential campaign sent shock waves through the political establishment and sparked a revolution of ideas. Dr. Paul just came in a close second place in the Iowa Straw Poll and his campaign is surging. Revolutions do not occur overnight, but having Ron Paul back on the national stage will continue to spread his message of freedom, limited government and an end to the Federal Reserve system. Ron Paul is officially a frontrunner for the Republican nomination in 2012. However, the media is ignoring this and supporting establishment neo-cons like Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Michelle Bachmann and Rick Perry. Make your voice heard and support Dr. Paul in 2012.

Please subscribe to aenfroy87 for more videos. For more information visit the following sites:


Dr. Paul on Secession
Uploaded by campaignforliberty on Apr 19, 2009 [via "Ron Paul Still Feels 'Secession is Very Much an American Principle'", (with comments); and see "Is It Time to Roll Up the Welcome Mat Here?", (with comments)]


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Impeach Obama Robocall Campaign Launched By Conservative Group

WASHINGTON -- The movement to impeach President Barack Obama has been launched, just days after he won a second term in the White House.
The Conservative Majority Fund, a conservative group known primarily for its birther conspiracy spreading, has launched a robocall campaign to gin up support for the president's impeachment.
The call, emailed to The Huffington Post by Shaun Dakin of, reads in part as follows:
"Our only recourse now is to move forward with the full impeachment of President Obama. We suspect that Obama is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors and that there may be grounds for impeachment as is laid out in the constitution. Further, he may not even be a U.S. citizen because nobody, I mean no one, has seen an actual physical copy of his birth certificate. Impeachment is our only option. And Republicans are already considering Obama investigations. As the nation's most effective conservative group we are launching the official impeach Obama campaign."
[...] [with embedded audio of the complete robocall, and comments]


Impeach Obama 2012! Join The National Campaign!
Published on Apr 11, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel

Read Full Article Here

Obama Impeachment 2012

Kurt Nimmo

Film director, producer, actor and writer Sean Stone has thrown his weight behind a resolution introduced in the House last month by North Carolina Republican Walter Jones. Resolution 107 states that should the president use offensive military force without the authorization of Congress that such an act would be "an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor."

Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution reserves exclusively for Congress the power to declare war. Both Thomas Jefferson and James Madison argued that the power to declare war must reside in the legislative branch of government and the president will only act as the commander-in-chief and direct the war after it is declared by Congress.

"The constitution supposes, what the history of all governments demonstrates, that the executive is the branch of power most interested in war, and most prone to it. It has accordingly with studied care vested the question of war in the legislature," Madison wrote.

In the video, Stone notes Obama's unconstitutional war on Libya was waged "despite the fact that the United States was neither attacked, nor threatened for attack by the nation of Libya."

Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta said during questioning by Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama that the Obama administration does not believe Congress has the exclusive right to declare war and that the Pentagon answers to the United Nations, not the people of the United States.

The Obama administration "does not believe that the Congress has the exclusive power to declare war," Stone notes, and "accordingly the president should be impeached."

Stone also mentions Obama's facilitation of the banker engineered 2008 "bailout" as an additiojnal reason he should be tried for High Crimes and Misdemeanors and impeached. Obama's efforts worked in favor of the "consolidation of private banks, many of them in Europe."

"There was no investment of any meaningful type in the physical economy, there was no protection of the American people," Sean explains. "Rather, an illegal commitment made on behalf of private banking interests, to commit the American people to paying a debt that the American people did not accrue."

He rightly notes that Obama's actions "represent the most clear violation of the principal of the general welfare of the people in the preamble of the Constitution of the United States."

In addition to setting the stage for the economic rape of the American people and waging illegal and unconstitutional wars, Obama has committed a number of other egregious violations of the Constitution.

Specifically, Obama violated the Constitution's Takings and Due Process Clauses when he bullied the secured creditors of automaker Chrysler into accepting 30 cents on the dollar while political connected labor unions and preferential others better deals.

In addition, the Dodd-Frank financial "reform" bill created the so-called Financial Protection Bureau and Financial Stability Oversight Council, bureaucratic monstrosities that are now engaged in unchecked and unconstitutional economic action without consulting Congress. The Dodd-Frank bill also further empowers the bankster's preferred cartel, the Federal Reserve (which has engaged in unconstitutional activity for nearly a hundred years).

"No list of President Obama's constitutional violations would be complete without including the requirement that every American purchase health insurance, on penalty of civil fine. The individual mandate is unprecedented and exceeds Congress's power to regulate interstate commerce. If it is allowed to stand, Congress will be able to impose any kind of economic mandate as part of any kind of national regulatory scheme. Fortunately, the Supreme Court has a chance to strike this down during its current term," writes Ilya Shapiro, a Senior Fellow in Constitutional Studies, Cato Institute.

Obama signed into law the NDAA with a provision allowing the military to indefinitely detain American citizens. "He will forever be known as the president who signed indefinite detention without charge or trial into law," said the executive director of the ACLU, Anthony Romero.

Finally, Obama may be tried and impeached for signing a large number of executive orders. Article II of the Constitution provides the president with three options when presented with legislation -- do nothing, sign the bill, or veto it in its entirety.

"Obama's use of signing statements has clearly shown his willingness to continue the George W. Bush legacy -- not only of torture and illegal detainment, but in the dangerous trend of de facto rule by 'executive fiat.' Worse, such signing statements put in place a precedent for future presidents to follow -- or expand upon," writes Aaron Dykes.


Mitt Romney: Obama Won Because Of 'BIG GIFTS' To Blacks, Hispanics
Published on Nov 14, 2012 by Hansel Hansely

Romney: Obama Won Because Of 'Gifts' To Blacks, Hispanics And Young Voters


Romney: Blacks & Hispanics Wanted Gifts from Obama
Published on Nov 14, 2012 by TheYoungTurks

"Saying that he and his team still felt "troubled" by his loss to President Obama, Mitt Romney on Wednesday attributed his defeat in part to what he called big policy "gifts" that the president had bestowed on loyal Democratic constituencies, including young voters, African-Americans and Hispanics.

In a conference call with fund-raisers and donors to his campaign, Mr. Romney said Wednesday afternoon that the president had followed the "old playbook" of using targeted initiatives to woo specific interest groups — "especially the African-American community, the Hispanic community and young people."

"In each case, they were very generous in what they gave to those groups," Mr. Romney said, contrasting Mr. Obama's strategy to his own of "talking about big issues for the whole country: military strategy, foreign policy, a strong economy, creating jobs and so forth."*

Cenk Uygur breaks down Mitt Romney's mentality toward young people, blacks, hispanics, and women. Believe it or not, this "makers and takers," "47%" attitude may have been what actually cost him the election.

*Read more from Ashley Parker/ New York Times:


Mitt Romney: First As Farce, Then As Farce

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images News

Noam Scheiber
November 14, 2012 | 11:08 pm

Day-in and day-out between mid-September and early October, Mitt Romney swore that voters had gotten the wrong idea from his 47 percent riff [ ]. He insisted [ ] his campaign was devoted to the “100 percent of America” for whom “life has become harder.” He ran ads [ ] about how he was a truly compassionate person who just had a different way of measuring compassion than Barack Obama. His running mate pronounced the comments [ ] a “misstep” and chalked them up to an “inarticulate way of describing how we’re worried … more people have become dependent on government.” When none of that worked, Romney took to Fox News [ ] and denounced his own comments as “just completely wrong.”

Judging from Romney’s poll numbers during this quasi-apology tour, most voters weren’t really listening. Alas, it became clear on Wednesday that Romney wasn’t listening either. During a conference call with donors, the same demographic that got him in trouble the first time around, Romney chalked up last Tuesday’s loss to “the gifts” the Obama administration handed out to minorities, young voters, and women. “The President’s campaign focused on giving targeted groups a big gift,” Romney lamented, according to The Los Angeles Times [,0,5622330.story ]. And those gifts proved “highly motivational.”

During the campaign, Romney’s explanation for his ugly comments was that “now and then you’re gonna say something that doesn’t come out right” when you do hundreds of speeches and Q&A’s. And, in fairness, it does look like he’s refined his bitter rich-guy spiel since that notorious Boca Raton fundraiser [ ]. Back then, Romney complained that the 47 percent “believe that they are victims” and “that they are entitled” to government goodies like health care and housing. This time, Romney oh-so-deftly expunged any talk of victimhood or entitlement (at least so far as we know). In this new rendition, the people who voted against him just happened to be on the receiving end of a government spending spree worth “trillions of dollars,” through no particular fault of their own. What were they going to do—turn it down? Let it not be said that Romney doesn’t learn from his mistakes.

On the off-chance this nonsense still needs rebutting, let’s be very clear: There are plenty of reliable Republicans who get heaping piles of government goodies, as my colleague Jonathan Cohn has explained [ ]: seniors who love their Medicare, veterans who depend on VA benefits, corporations that gorge on lavish subsidies. Believe it or not, there are even wealthy financiers out there who don’t pay income taxes on their loot and who deduct the mortgage interest on their vacation homes. (Not that I have anyone specific in mind.) Cohn points out that Romney himself promised an exceedingly large “gift” to elderly Republican voters: restoring $718 billion worth of savings from Medicare that Obama had achieved through the Affordable Care Act.

The question we all debated when Romney delivered his original monologue on distributional justice was whether he genuinely believed it, or whether he was simply telling conservatives and the aggrieved rich what they wanted to hear. Many argued [ ] that Romney must have been speaking from the heart because he assumed his comments would stay private. There was no reason to lie. Others—myself included [ ]—posited that no one, not even the chronically oblivious GOP nominee, could labor under the assumption that something he told a few hundred people would stay under wraps. Romney must have been pandering to conservatives; it just happened to be a singularly cartoonish and ham-handed attempt. Of course, the second interpretation didn’t make Romney’s disquisition any more excusable (arguably less so). But it did hold out some small chance that a Romney presidency wouldn’t be as objectionable as the comments suggested.

On one level, we still can’t say for sure whether or not Romney believes this stuff deep down. (Though Jon Chait makes a good case [ ] that he must.) His audience for this latest trip to the makers-and-takers well included the same alienated plutocrats whose pain he felt in South Florida. It’s possible that he has a reflex for grossly incompetent pandering he just can’t suppress.

But on another level, if your moral sense is so attenuated you’re able to spout the same vile pabulum even after it’s been thoroughly debunked by the media, even after you went to great rhetorical lengths to distance yourself from it, even after it arguably cost you a presidential election, then it’s safe to say it's what you stand for in every practical and moral sense. There are no more distinctions for any remotely serious person to parse, if there ever were any.

Copyright 2012 The New Republic [with comments]


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Beyond the 'Urban Vote'

By Ta-Nehisi Coates
Nov 14 2012, 10:16 AM ET

The Times has a great piece up this morning analyzing Paul Ryan's theory that his ticket lost because of the "urban vote." Certainly the "urban vote" was part of it. But it can't explain why Paul Ryan's ticket lost in Paul Ryan's own home district [ ]:

"What Paul Ryan misses is that the Republicans have been losing the urban vote for a long, long time," said Marc Morial, the president and chief executive of the National Urban League. "Now they are losing the suburban vote, too. They are becoming more urban in their character, in their makeup, in the problems."

In Ohio, for example, Mr. Obama received 63,000 fewer votes in the three big urban counties in 2012 than he did in 2008. In the big urban counties in Virginia, Colorado, Wisconsin or Pennsylvania, Mr. Obama also won by smaller margins than in 2008, typically receiving fewer votes. In Milwaukee, voter turnout did increase, but the Romney/Ryan ticket picked up more than half of the increased number of voters there.

Mr. Morial said he did not know why Mr. Ryan was focusing attention on the nation's urban core as the cause of the Republican losses...

I think Ryan's comments would be much more interesting if he were willing to contemplate why the Republican ticket lost the urban vote. I do not think that is going to happen:

Some of Mr. Ryan's aides said that as a candidate he had hoped to spend more time in poor urban areas to explain his theories of fighting poverty, and was restrained by his schedule.

So say we all. But a schedule is not merely a list of things that should happen at an appointed hour. It is a statement of priorities. Getting the "urban vote" isn't among them. Repressing the "urban vote" is.

Copyright © 2012 by The Atlantic Monthly Group [with comments]


Paul Ryan Explains Defeat In Hometown Of Janesville, Wisconsin

Former GOP vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan opened up about losing his hometown of Janesville, Wisconsin in last week's election, attributing the crushing defeat [ ] to his alignment with the national Republican party.
Ryan lost twice in Janesville on Nov. 6. Although he was successfully reelected [ ] to the House of Representatives, he was defeated in his hometown by 10 points in his congressional race [ ] -- marking the first time Ryan lost the city in a reelection campaign. Janesville also went for the Obama/Biden ticket over Romney/Ryan by 25 points.
"Well, as you know, Janesville is a very Democratic town, but I'm a Republican," Ryan said in an interview with Janesville radio station WCLO. "But I've always done very well here, because more people saw me not as a Republican but just as a Janesville guy."
"When you join a national ticket for a party, you become more seen as a Republican guy than necessarily a Janesville guy," he continued. "So I think my image, or the thought people had in their minds of me once I joined the Republican ticket, was more 'Paul Ryan, Republican,' than 'Paul Ryan, Janesville guy.'"
At 11.5 points, Ryan's congressional victory margin [ ] in the state was the smallest of his eight House campaigns.
[...] [with comments]


How to Win the 'Urban Vote'

By Ta-Nehisi Coates
Nov 14 2012, 11:00 AM ET

One sure way is to suggest that their preferred candidate, presumably with their aid, effectively stole an election. For good measure, try asserting that governmental checks and balances should apply to everyone but you [ ]:

A state senator who served as co-chair of Mitt Romney's Wisconsin campaign suggested this week that the Republican presidential nominee would have carried the state if a voter ID law had been in place...

"We're looking at all sorts of different precincts and all sorts of same-day registrations," Darling said. "I know people will go, 'We don't have fraud and abuse in our elections.' But why, why can't we have voter ID when the majority of our people in Wisconsin wanted it, we passed it, the governor signed it? Why should one judge in Dane County be able to hold it up?"

Barack Obama won the state by 200,000 votes. Either I win, or you cheated.

Copyright © 2012 by The Atlantic Monthly Group [with comments]


Fischer: GOP Must ‘Clamp Down’ On Hispanics Who Are ‘Socialists By Nature’

by David Badash on November 13, 2012

Bryan Fischer says the GOP shouldn’t be trying to help Hispanics in America and shouldn’t pretend they will become Republicans, rather, the GOP must “clamp down” on Hispanics because they “are socialists by nature.” Fischer, the public face of the certified anti-gay hate group, American Family Association, claims “Republicans can pander all they want to Hispanics, to immigrants and it will not work. There is no way on Earth you care going to get them to leave the Democratic Party. It’s one reason we got to clamp down on immigration.”

Immediately after Mitt Romney lost to Barack Obama, Republican strategists — exemplified by Sean Hannity and Maggie Gallagher — had an “evolution [ ]” of their own and decided that they should be performing better “outreach” to the Hispanic and Latino communities, to prevent the Republican party from dying. Gallagher at 3:00 AM — just 90 minutes after President Obama addressed a crowd of tens of thousands of people in Chicago — wrote [ ] at the National Review:

Either we figure out how to win a much larger share of the Latino vote or the conservative movement could be over. The “truce” — Rove’s Crossroads strategy — is a clear failure. I think social issues are part, but only part, of a serious effort to appeal to Latino voters. We also need to show them we care about them by doing something about the DREAM Act, and religious conservatives should take the lead on this.

As if Hispanics will fall for this malarkey.

Not so fast says Fischer, who would rather see a dead GOP than one made impure by Hispanics, gays, or other minorities.

“Hispanics are not Democrats, don’t vote Democrat because of immigration,” Fischer told his audience today.

“It has to do with the fact that they are socialists by nature. They come from Mexico, which is a socialist country. They want big government intervention, they want big government goodies.”

“Now they want open borders — make no mistake — because they’ve got family and friends that they want to come up and be able to benefit from the plunder of the wealth of the United States, just as they have been able to do [ (next below, as embedded)].”
Hat tip: Right Wing Watch [ ], via David Edwards at The Raw Story [ ].

Copyright © 2012 The New Civil Rights Movement and David Badash [with comments]


Hagee: "God Will Hold America Responsible" For Re-Electing Obama
Published on Nov 14, 2012 by RWWBlog

John Hagee responds to the election by saying that America has rejected God and now God will hold America responsible for that choice. [via (with comments)]


Juliet Hibbs, Florida Teacher Accused Of Turning Teen Student Gay, Battles District

Juliet Hibbs.

Posted: 11/13/2012 1:56 pm EST Updated: 11/13/2012 2:13 pm EST

Florida teacher Juliet Hibbs is fighting the Broward school district over its handling of an accusation against her that she contributed to a girl's homosexuality.

Hibbs, a straight woman currently on medical leave from her post at Deerfield Beach High School, was investigated last year after a student's parents complained to the school principal that Hibbs had not informed them of their daughter's sexual orientation, and that the teacher possibly contributed to their daughter being gay. Hibbs has been a teacher for 10 years.

When the teen's stepfather found out about her orientation, he began harassing the girl on Twitter, leading the girl to stay away from home [,0,1498288.story ], the Sun Sentinel reports. The parents also alleged that Hibbs had encouraged the girl not to go home.

Principal Jon Marlow deferred the complaints to the district, which, in an investigation, cleared Hibbs of any wrongdoing. The district's report also found that an abuse counselor told the girl she didn't have to return home because she was 18. Gay and lesbian community advocates ridicule the accusations lodged against Hibbs, saying a teacher can't determine the sexual orientation of a student.

Now, Hibbs is filing charges with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission against the district, Marlow and the assistant principal, saying that the issue should have been handled at the school level. The elevation of the case to district officials, Hibbs says, was Marlow's way of punishing her for being outspoken on school issues. In a post on The Ellen Degeneres Show's Facebook page [ ], Hibbs writes:

"I reported cyber bullying from stepfather to his stepdaughter on twitter about her sexual orientation. I reported properly and I was charged with professional misconduct for reporting the abuse. This was a tactic by my bullying principal. I was outspoken about student safety, rules application equity and issues with administration."

"I was shocked by the charges [,0,1498288.story ]," Hibbs told the Sun Sentinel. "My career has been ruined. Before Deerfield, I had an impeccable record."

Marlow has a spotty record. He became the target of accusations in June when teachers complained to the Broward County school board that he had treated faculty members unfairly.

"My boss has been bullying me and writing me up for things that did not happen [ ]," assistant principal Racquel Lipscomb said at the time.

Superintendent Robert Runcie did not launch a formal investigation, but promised to look into the matter. Marlow has failed to respond to requests for comment.

Still, the ordeal has made Hibbs more determined, writing in a Nov. 2 Facebook post that she will run for a school board seat in 2014. Her unique perspectives of being a Broward student, parent and teacher, she adds, qualifies her to know what's best for the district.

"I will be running on the platform of Hibbs for Change [ ]," she writes. "I am going to begin with YouTube videos exposing the corruption within Broward School. They now have created a life long educational advocate."

Copyright © 2012, Inc. [with comments]


Mike Huckabee Pt. 1

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
Monday November 12, 2012

Author and Fox News host Mike Huckabee doubles down on his opinion that Republicans have done a "pathetic" job courting minority voters. [with comments]


Mike Huckabee Pt. 2

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
Monday November 12, 2012

Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee quotes the Bible to defend a political advertisement's controversial religious imagery. [with comments] [via/embedded at (with comments)]


Ohio Committee Votes To Defund Planned Parenthood

Ohio State Representative Lynn Wachtmann testifies during a Health, Human Services & Aging Committee hearing about H.B. 125, also known as the heartbeat bill, Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2011, in Columbus, Ohio.
11/15/2012 [with comments]


John Metz, Denny's Franchisee And Hurricane Grill & Wings Owner, Imposes Surcharge For Obamacare

John Metz believes the best way to offset what he said are increased costs from Obamacare is to charge customers a 5 percent surcharge on their bills.
11/15/2012 [with comments]


Wisconsin's Rep. Chris Kapenga Wants to Make Obamacare Illegal

[ ]

By RH Reality Check, Wed, November 14, 2012

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker was the Tea Party poster boy. He tried to bust the unions. He tried to put through voter ID. He signed bill after bill posing new restrictions to accessing abortion and health care. He even survived an attempt to vote him out of office.

That's not good enough for the Wisconsin radical right. Now, they've declared that they want to arrest anyone who implements Obamacare—and that includes the governor himself.

Via the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel [ ]:

As Gov. Scott Walker contemplates whether to create a state health care exchange under Obamacare, he will have to contend in the coming legislative session with nine lawmakers who have said they back a bill to arrest any federal officials who try to implement the health care law.


Rep. Chris Kapenga (R-Delafield) is one of the nine from Wisconsin who told the Campaign for Liberty he would back legislation to declare Obamacare illegal and allow police to arrest federal officials who take steps to implement it in Wisconsin. He said he believes the health care law is unconstitutional, despite the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling that it passes constitutional muster.

"Just because Obama was re-elected does not mean he's above the constitution," Kapenga said.

In addition to Kapenga, those listed as supporting the Campaign for Liberty's positions are Sen. Mary Lazich of New Berlin; Reps. Don Pridemore of Hartford; Erik Severson of Star Prairie; Tom Larson of Colfax; Scott Krug of Wisconsin Rapids; and three Republicans elected for the first time last week who will be sworn in early next year - Rob Hutton of Brookfield, Mark Born of Beaver Dam and Dave Murphy of Greenville.

One of the backers, Sen. Lazich, was the author of the massive and purposefully legally ambiguous anti-choice bill that made practitioners in the state too uncomfortable to continue providing RU-486, effectively eliminating medication abortions in the state. The lesson here must be that state legislatures making health care decisions to deny health care to residents is good, federal powers making legislation to expand health care to citizens is bad.

Luckily, Walker should be safe from arrest, since he's just a state lawmaker, not a federal one. But one false step and it looks like they could come for him next.

Copyright 2012, [no comments yet]


Mitchell Kenneth Kusick Arrested: Colorado Man Allegedly Wanted To Shoot Children And Be The 'Guy Who Killed Obama'

Photo of Mitch Kusick, Westminster man who allegedly wanted to shoot children, kill people on Halloween and kill President Barack Obama.

Posted: 11/13/2012 10:40 pm EST Updated: 11/14/2012 5:44 pm EST

DENVER -- A suburban Denver man has been arrested after telling his therapist he wanted to shoot children, kill people on Halloween and kill President Barack Obama, federal court records show.

Mitchell Kenneth Kusick, of Westminster, was being held Tuesday on suspicion of a federal charge of threats against a president. He identified himself as a student at Colorado Mesa University in western Colorado, investigators said.

According to KUSA-TV in Denver ( HTTP://ON9NEWS.TV/T2RBYC [ ]), Jefferson County court records show he told his therapist about wanting to shoot students at a trick-or-treat event at Standley Lake High School.

Federal court records say Kusick said he took a shotgun from his aunt's house and tried to buy ammunition. He told his therapist on Oct. 29 about his plan and allegedly said he wanted to go down in history as the "guy who killed Obama." His comments came days before the president held a campaign rally in Boulder.

Kusick also said he was obsessed with the deadly shootings at Columbine High School and Virginia Tech, according to court records.

The therapist called police, and Kusick was placed on a mental health hold at a hospital.

According to court records, Kusick told investigators he also studied this summer's Aurora movie theater shooting in which 12 people were killed, and he talked about what the gunman did wrong.

Online court records didn't list the name of Kusick's attorney.

A detention hearing is scheduled Friday.

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press [with comments]


Outside spenders' return on investment
Nov 09 2012 [the source; everything there]


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11/24/12 5:47 AM

#194129 RE: F6 #193454

in fondest remembrance of our dearly departed traditional America


6 Retro Ads [abridged]


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#1. Caring Dads Always Lube



Copyright © 2012 Demand Media, Inc. [with comments]


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