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11/13/12 10:47 AM

#19414 RE: ssrotle #19413

They did say 100 and anyone that was here at the beginning of the year remembers you and others touting it!

So there is ice cream being produced huh? What specific stores will it be in? I am here at present in NY and will for sure check it out for you BUT if it is being produced then the stores that will carey it are known! If not known then how stupid is BH to pay for a products production that has no outlet? He going to sell it on-line, kinda of like the reality show being only on YouTube? Hey this ain't insider information! Disclose the store names if there are any? No names, I figured!

You have been touting this BUT for the last year NADA in the way of anything coming true!

And profitable? We just have you word on that?? Why is that???

As investors should we not be able to see that in Audited financials?

BH is truly bad at book keeping and his history proves that, even courts have said so!

Please just provide us with some "actual" facts for once and skip the rethoric!!!

This thing is tanking! Have you not been watching the PPS and the volume for the past many months!!!

Investors speak with their wallets and they are saying something very loudly! Hey BH, you'd better listen up or have you already taken all the money again?