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10/17/05 1:37 AM

#1471 RE: CDR #1470

Interesting email from shareholder......

Mr. Gerhardt,

To begin, please keep me on the list. I've been involved in this company it seems for most of my 70 years of existence, therefore, at this late date, it is certainly not the time to abandon ship.

My name is Carroll Hagan. I have been a shareholder in this company since 1997. I currently own 4,657,979 shares of Superwipes. (SPWP) I owned about 710,000 shares of Comtech Consolidated Group, Inc. (CCGI) prior to Walter Davis's 50-1 reverse split of November 2001 and before he changed the name to Summit (SMNC). After the split I had roughly 14,000 shares at a cost to me of about $225,000. I did not purchase any additional stock in the SMNC or SPWP until Mario Quenneville became the majority shareholder in March/April of 2002 with 65% of SMNC stock. When he came on board I talked with him by phone and visited him and found that he had good products, good salemanship, he knew what he wanted to do, seemed to have the abiltiy to perform, and, above all he seemed to be trustworthy and honest. I then started buying additional shares in SMNC/SPWP because I was convinced that Mario was in charge. Totally in Charge. Davis and the old SMNC Board had resigned in July and August of 2002 and I thought we were finally in good, trusting, honest, hard working hands and mind of a dedicated man.

Mario signed Barielle to sell Superwipes products. It was the first time since Davis took over CCGI, that there was ever any "real" products. "Real" manufacturing. "Real" shipping. "Real" income from sales. Not much, but it was a start. And Barielle was happy with his products. The kept re-ordering Mario's products. Mario was also going to go on TV Shoppers Network to sell Superwipes products. He went to cosmetic shows, and 98% of the stores, 65 in total, at the show signed up for his products. Including Walmart, Target, CVS, etc. This was tremendous. For the first time I felt we were going to make it, big time.

So what happend on August 20th 2002 to cause Davis to, in my opinion, unlawfully file for Bankruptcy? My understanding of his reason to do so was because on that same day Sam Little got a judgement against SMNC for, I believe, $600K and Davis, maybe in a state of rage, walked right across the street and put SMNC into Chapter 11 Bankruptcy! But, Mr. Gerhardt, how could he just do this on his own when he really wasn't an Officer of SMNC at that time, and certainly wasn't the major shareholder. Also, he obviously didn't have the approval of the new Board of Directors who had replaced the resigned Board of Directors. How could this ever have happend!

It happened because the court has never addressed the very important issue of whether Walter Davis had the absolute authority to put SMNC in bankruptcy. It ws at the late date of February 17th 2005 that UST attorney Ellen Hickman,was the first to recognize the real reason this company is in bankruptcy when she filed the motion to Appoint a Chapter 11 Turstee on February 17, 2005. In Paragraph 14 of Miss Hickman's motion states, and I quote: "The UST would argue that the dipute arising from the sale and transfer of stock in the Debtor that caused the filing of this Bankruptcy originally in August 2002, has continued and caused the reopening of the case in August 2004, and again in January 2005. A disinterested third party should be appointed by as a Chapter 11 trustee to take control of the Debtor and to once an for all resolve the dispute over the stock in the Debtor, rather then contiue to resort to the Bankruptcy court to enfore agreements between a creditor/stockholder and the debtor."

With all due respect, I believe that you did not look into what this stock dispute between Quenneville and Davis, is all about. Which is indeed what Ms Ellen Hickman, UST Attorney is referring to in Paragraph 14 of her motion. You confirm that when you stated in your motion in "Response to Mario's Quenneville's Emergency motion to Dismiss Chapter 11" of October 12, 2005, via email to all of us. In paragraph 1 thereof, I quote: "Trustee is without sufficient knowledge or information to either admit or deny these allegations contained in paragraphs 1-43 of Mr Quennevilles motion." The motion herein referred to is Mario's "Motion to Dismiss the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy" mailed to the court on/or about October 11, 2005, along with an email copy to you and the rest of us on that same day. In that Motion to Dismiss Mario states through paragraphs 1-43 the real reason why he and we believe we should not be in Bankruptcy today.

With all due respect Mr Gerhardt, the time frame from March 26, 2002 to August 20, 2002 is at the very heart of this matter. Did Walter Davis have the aurthority to put SMNC into Chapter11 Bankruptcy. Who was indeed the major shareholder on that day, Quenneville or Davis. Who was in charge of SMNC on that day, Quenneville or Davis. Did Davis obtain approval from the existing Board of Directors before he acted so arbitrarily. This is the QUESTION that must be answerd before any more damage is done to Mario and Superwipes shareholders.

From what I know about these matters there is a gross miscarriage of justice being committed here by the court and by you at this very minute. This miscarriage of justice has escalated this matter to a point that now forces you to confiscate Mario warehouse and to auction off everything that belongs to Mario. Seems a little drastic dosen't it! Under the circumstances. At least, until we know who had the authority on August 20, 2002. Please step back a minute, give us the opprotunity to show you and the court what happened between March 26, 2002 and August 20, 2002

From where I sit, and I was there during all this entire time, Mario did not cause this problem. He may have added to it once he found out that Davis put the company in Bankruptcy, but he did not cause the problem we face today. In my opinion, Davis did. Everything that Mario has worked for most of his life to achieve financial success for himself, his family and the shareholders is in that warehouse, and everything in that warehouse is therefore the shareholders last and final chance to get anything out of this mess that we find ourselves in today.

I respectfully request that you please show some compassion here. That you reconsider this most drastic action of taking Mario's assets. I also believe that you must know that anything in that warehouse is of no use to anyone else except to Mario and the Superwipes shareholders. I ask you to please meet with us shareholders to see if we can help resolve these matters so everyone who is at financial risk can at the very least get a fair resolution to this matter.

I am at your disposal to help resolve this matter.

Carroll Hagan
