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11/10/12 2:12 PM

#192994 RE: SoxFan #192993

i heard that also. It is amazing to me. Perhaps it had something to do with his financial shennanigans with the church trust accounts, i don't think devout mormons found that particularly amusing.


11/10/12 2:49 PM

#192999 RE: SoxFan #192993

Actually, i will admit, now that the election is over and mitt is relegated to the car elevator of history, that some of the most trustworthy people i know are mormons, and i know many personally. But Rmoney just didn't register as trustworthy to me, ever, he is a reason stereotyping is dangerous... He proved there can be very flawed mormons.

He never stated during the campaign, in a clear manner anyway, where his religion fit in with his idea of governing, which is why i went after the religion portion of him hammer and tong. What was unsaid by him about that was truly a daunting thing (to me, anyway).

I happen to not be a fan of any religion, so should the next republican candidate be say, a Scientologist, i would go right back into high gear if they didn't make clear a few items about their boundaries and limits of magic planets and assigning women to marry certain men.

A lot of it was having tongue-in-cheek fun in homage to the evangelicals who had to risk pestilence, famine, and the lives of their firstborn to vote for mitt with a clothespin over their noses.


11/10/12 4:01 PM

#193006 RE: SoxFan #192993

I believe that romney was the worst candidate I have ever seen. The lies just rolling out of his mouth ......every day, the flip flopping ... but most of all it's the lies, he was the most dishonest phony candidate in history.. and the most deceitful. He wouldn't even tell his plans ... that was all going to be revealed AFTER the election .. haha! .......why would anyone trust that .. omg If Obama had said that .. .. that would have been their subject for 11 months ... but it shows you their stupidity ... I mean! they trusted that! .. they trusted a guy who would NOT even tell them what he was going to do for the country .. . as a matter of fact at the end there he agreed with Obama on quite a few issues .... I'd be so ashamed If I was a wingnut .. however, I would KNOW I got taken .. and it wouldn't happen again .... fool me once ! .... sheeesh! but they'll go on. There will not be a lesson here for them. there never is!

As we've always said they are the most dishonest, hypocritical, unimaginative party in history ... and the worst thing of all is they make chumps out of their base ... time after time after time ... we've noted here many times .. .They KNOW their BASE is STUPID! .. .EVERY time .. .they play them ... and every time the base swallows it .........also I'm getting a kick out of following you all on the wingnut boards ... lolol.. all though I must say .. I do wonder where they get the nerve to say anything ... as...........they have been WRONG about EVERYTHING! ... again and again ..... and very very recently ......I wouldn't listen to a thing they say ... they don't even know what they are talking about .. the best is when they try and talk 'business' .. omg! ... . that's pathetic ... they sure expose themselves there on the subject of taxes & business .. it's always best to keep quiet ......until you learn anyway ...;)


11/10/12 6:24 PM

#193015 RE: SoxFan #192993

SoxFan -- yep

Bush got higher percentage of Mormon votes than Romney

Nov 9, 2012 [with comments]